Interesting article in todays Globe about Hanse's changes to TPC Boston:
""We had the opportunity to take something negative and make it positive," said Steve Wenzloff, the PGA Tour's vice president of design services. He envisioned a short par 4 and ran the idea past his tour colleagues. "The concept was in place and we presented that concept to Hanse."
In the Philadelphia-born Hanse, Wenzloff had faith.
"There aren't a lot of architects today who are designing short par 4s," said Wenzloff. "Players love them."
Even Hall of Famers.
"My favorite holes are short par 4s," said Jack Nicklaus. "They're the most fun to design and the most fun to play."
It's a fine line you walk to put those two in harmony. For Hanse, the challenge was to produce a hole that met his high standards and at the same time kept PGA Tour officials happy. That is a juggling act not easily navigated. The architect's view often involves different priorities than the owner's, in this case the PGA Tour. Wenzloff conceded as much.
"Part of our business is to manage the pace of play and ultimately get the competition fit within the allotted TV time," he said. "We have to strike a balance between entertainment value as well as a competitive value."