I was at Beau a couple of weeks ago, just before their big tournament, The Stag, and noticed the new back tees. I did take a few photos which I've been meaning to post to let you and others know of the works, but you beat me to it!
By my count they were on: 1, 2 (though the old mound had been there for a while even if not in use as a tee), 8, 13, 14, 17, 18.
New 8th seen from yellow tees, would have been good if they could have got the tee up on that ridge?
New 14th tees seen from current yellow tee. Its quite some way back there, and will now be a real brute of a par 4!
New 17th seen from the current tees.
New 18th seen from the 17th green
I didn't really notice the extra tree clearance you mention apart from behind the 13th green for the new 14th tee, but as you say, hopefully they will clear out a few more!