My first-born son demonstrated a left-handed preference at a fairly early age. When he started swinging a plastic bat or golf club as a lefty, my first thought, oddly enough, was, "Maybe I can teach him to be a switch hitter."
And then it dawned on me: Why are there no switch hitters in golf?
A bat is cylindrically symmetrical, but a golf club doesn't have that same symmetry. Could the lack of a useful club be the reason?
Suddenly, I was brilliant.
So I came up with a few CAD designs for ambidextrous clubs and sent them off to a patent attorney.
But obviously, many others have had the same idea over the years, with or without the baseball analogy. For instance, check out the Ellis Antique Club auction coming up later next month at Sotheby's:


So I ask you, Why are there no switch hitters in golf?
Would the Rules of Golf allow it?
Would the advantages to the ambidextrous player be significant?
If not, why? If so, in what way(s)?