So far as I can tell, Fowler had no style which one could point to and say "Ah, Fowler".
Then I suppose it would be difficult to look at the work of a Fowler restoration architect and say the work was "All Fowlered Up?"

The question is double edged.
Many gca's have a poor style, or a average style. As to ones who have so many styles, that in essence they had none you could pin your hat on, Tillie was said to have no style consistency and I have seen that. I attribute that to him not getting around or using his own crews as much as others.
Not sure about Bill Coore, who seems to have his trademarks. I thought Joe Lee had a strong style. I understand VonHagge has switched styles from his 80's heyday to a softer look. For that matter, Rees is changing his style - fewer mounds, more traditional - and actually always had both his "new" and "Open Doctor" styles.
Fazio, by virtue of having so many design associates had a wide variety of bunkers when really busy. The same might be true of other big shops, or any gca who works over decades worth of a career and whose style changes, or one who hits it big mid stream, like Hurdzan.