Shivas -
First of all, I have no use for a line on my ball and I am responding because you are calling some of my friends cheaters.
We all used to play wound balls. The hardcore among us would do some trick, the details of which elude me, whereby you spin your wound ball in some solution, and see where the ball exhibits symmetry. Then you put a nice mark on it, not to indicate the line for putting, but to indicate the favored axis.
A player has the right to roll the ball along this axis, or as Professor Putt suggests, along the seam.
PS - The more I reflect on this argument, and the more research I do, the more I like it. Pelz says that modern balls have a "balance line" and that you are doing yourself a favor by locating it.
Shivas, are you really willing to tell my friends, who are scrapping for a 78 to qualify for the Maine Am, and Joe Pro, putting for a year's worth of NetJets, that they can't put their ball down in a manner that gives them the most confidence and perhaps the best chance?