I played my first match of our match play at my club on Saturday. We have a nice creek running through 10, 11, 12, 13, and 17. My opponent claimed the creek was unfair and should be put underground (is that why Pumpkin Ridge and the Eagle Point pipe creeks underground). As I was more interested in beating him than debating him, I did not discuss. When we got to 17 a par 3 over both the irrigation pond and the creek, where you have to be more accurate to lay up over the pond short of the creek than to go for the green itself, I suggested that perhaps the creek was fine and the pond was the problem, preventing a nice lay up for short hitters. I was surprised that his response was still the creek was unfair even though everyone is forced to carry the pond and raw beginners like my wife hate the hole.
It finally seemed clear to me that the creek has screwed up his score too often and he wants it done away with.
Where do people get these ideas?