KMoum and PaulC:
I say the tour will never reduce a course to a par 69 for only one reason---eg a golf course with a par with a 6 in front just sends a very bad perception, in their opinion. And that perception is probably shared by the USGA now. I'd love to see them get over that but I doubt they ever will.
The only really big pro tournament that I'm aware of that was held with a par with 6 in front was the US Open at Philly CC in the late 1930s (they dropped the par on two holes).
Your idea for an alternate card in the 60s for a course like, say, Newark, is a great idea, in my opinion, and makes an excellent point as well. But Newark won't be holding a pro tour event---at least I don't think it will. But if for some odd reason they do, I'm going out to our so-called "signature" hole and camp there for the week and watch them both soar as well as crash and burn---or should I say drown?

Maybe I shouldn't mention it on here but what the hell---these boys on here need some excitement! I stopped in there a week or so ago on my way back from Baltimore and continued checking things out.
On our so-called "signature" hole

I've come up with an amazingly varietal design concept that has so many potential strategies and nuancy options as to virtually put a thoughtful player's mind on TILT on the tee.
Did you know that if you walk way over to the right you can get a glimpse of some of the green site beyond the quarry? Yep!
So that will need to be developed.
Then we need plenty of room on the left to create enough width on that huge ramp coming down the hill to the left of the quarry to really tempt the long hitting and aggressive player.
I have also positioned a great big bunker in the upslope on the left well before the ramp that will need to be carried by the long aggressive player. The carry should be in the neighborhood of 250-260. I've also arranged the right side of this bunker to be right in line from the tee with the left side of the quarry which is fairly blind from the tee.
It's too much to go into all the potential tee shot options and strategies this arrangement will create but I'm sorry to have to tell you that we will need to create a swath of fairway from left to right in one area that is 161 YARDS WIDE!!
Sorry about that but the fairway will only need to be about 40 yards wide before reaching that big left side carry bunker tucked up into the upslope. BTW reducing the width of the fairway of that huge side to side swath by even a single yard is not negotiable.

Also, what does that orange fence and that black fence on the right mean?

Well, never mind about that---I moved both of them over to the right a ways because I need that area to get a good enough view of the green site beyond the quarry. I don't think anyone will mind or even notice I moved those fences, do you? If somebody accuses me of doing that I will call them a bold faced liar so loud you should be able to hear me over near the clubhouse.
One cannot let conservation or ecology or whatever they call it these days get in the way of some really good options and strategies.