Matt, I have read the report you referenced as well as the one Mark B. mentioned. Both say that the climate is warming and both say that anthropogenic forces have contriubted to this. Neither, however, is at all absolute in stating that man is causing all, or even a signfiicant majority of the changes we have seen in recent years. This is proper, as they rightly pepper all their phrases with qualifiers like, "may", "possibly" "evidence to date" etc.
They know, as should you, that the science relating to global temperature models is in it's infancy and is full of assumptions, dodgy data and guesstimates as to how all the data fit together. I've done complex forecasts, and I know this.
30 years ago climatologists were warning of global cooling, and given that global temperatures declined in the 1950-1975 period, this was understandable. More recently, many climatologists were predicting another disastrous hurricane season in 2006. As more and better data come in, some important assumptions are being corroborated and some are being seriously questioned. This is what does and should happen when any new theory based on patchwork data and largely untested models is put under the microscope, as is were.....
I would hope that you are looking at all the data, including that which might be, shall we say, inconvenient to your current point of view.
PS--Mark B. It is "Post hoc, ergo propter hoc," but you probably knew that..........