The truth about this picture is the following.
TEPaul was playing in front of Noel's group, as a guest and with the President of the club, his wife and his daughter.
Impatient with TEPaul's snail like pace and anxious to play, Noel teed off with his driver just as the group in front was about to walk off the green, when TEPaul stopped and turned to the President and his family and said,
"isn't this a lovely view ?"
Noel's tee shot then hit TEPaul squarely in the head, on the fly.
Those of you who know TEPaul will then be familiar with what happened next.
Yes, the dreaded trampoline effect.
The ball caromed off TEPaul's head with substantially increased velocity whereupon it struck the President's wife and daughter, a masterful quiniela, knocking them both out on the green. TEPaul, of course, was unhurt, save for the ball's logo and number which is now permanently stamped in his forehead.
The President of the club, upon witnessing this double play looked at TEPaul and said, "do you know who hit that ball ? They'll never leave this island alive "
TEPaul replied, " I think it was Tom MacWood or David Moriarty. In fact, it might have been both of them."
Noel, seeing what just happened decided that discretion was the better part of valor, and abandoned the tee, post haste, leaving the good Dr Childs standing there to take full responsibility.
This move, on Noel's part, was also witnessed in the last scene in "Animal House" by a character who bears an uncanny likeness to Noel.
Dr Childs was about to learn that his malpractice insurance did not cover this event. And, as is so eloquently captured in the photo, is last seen staring into the camera asking Neil the question, "can you believe what this idiot just did ? He ended our round with 13 holes to play"
Neil Regan's whereabouts is unknown.
TEPaul, ever the diplomat, suggested to the President, that he look at the good side of the incident, stating that whomever the golfer was, this was much cheaper than having to pay for an exceptional matrimonial lawyer and dealing with equitable distribution.