John -
That's an odd mission statement. Where did you find it? Or did you just make it up?
The pressure to host a major every year has had an important impact on changes at ANGC. From literally the beginning, ANGC has had to deal with the games of the best players in the world. Up until the last five years or so, some (but by no means all) of those changes made some sense. For example, RTJ's 16th is probably a better hole than MacK's original. Many of the other changes I think were mistaken. I think they made ANGC less interesting without adding the "resistance to scoring" they were trying to get.
There is no question that the course need to add more length. That has been done in spades. I don't think they had much choice about that. I wish, for example, that they had lengthened 7, 10, 11, 15 and 17 earlier and foregone the other, quite dramatic changes they have made to those holes.
But what has happend in the last five years cuts directly against everything MacK wanted at ANGC. And that was width. If ANGC stands for anything it is wide playing corridors. With the addition of an enormous number of trees (those added at 11, 15 and 17 are only the beginning of the story) and the addition of much tighter and thicker rough, that core objective has been violated.
To the point that I think ANGC has lost much of what made it a distinctive, landmark design.