John, the thing about your posts is that it never ceases to amaze me how completely different your view of things can be from what I see, yet there are many times I am glad for the new way of looking at something.
In this case, I don't see your point!
Are you declaring that Erin Hills has not gotten a similar run-up buzz from posters of this site that Rustic did and therefore won't succeed?
Well, first let's begin with the question of; did Rustic get a certain buzz. My view is yes. Geoff Shack is an original participant here. He has contributed enormous body of comment and knowledge to the ongoing discussions here and his own web site. Say what you want, call him impetuous, or sarcastic about certain issues in his sometimes highly objected to humor (dumb and dumber) and yet, he is a player in the arena we all know, and I suspect, most root for.
So, when Geoff got involved in Rustic, had posted photos of the raw land, discussed the goals of the project and shared the progress everystep of the way, he did get a GCA buzz, IMHO.
Same goes with Doak and Pac Dunes. Doak was already rising like a meteor. Yet, he kept everyone abreast of the progress, invited folks out during construction, soft opening, etc. and got a buzz, IMHO.
Doak's Stone Eagle seems to rise above GCA buzz, because Doak has arrived, IMHO. He may be the greatest living archie, also just MHO. He earned the rep and buzz, and has not been conferred this mantel by From here on out, Doak could crap on the land, and would get several passes before much negative comment, because of the status he has now entered. Maybe, we at GCA can say we knew him when... or before he got too big for his pants (just kidding) But, like it or not, Doak now goes up with Nicklaus, Dye, The Faz and so forth, because he is hot and getting hotter and bigger. Any GCA buzz if it ever was is really in the rear view mirror now.
Do you resent those efforts in the early days by Doak or Geoff Shack, John? I don't. I appreciate the efforts because I saw them as two fold. They were honest sharing with a community of like-minded GCA fanatics to let them understand what the process is, and they just happened to be done by talented GCAs and semi-designer/golf gca commentators. We afficianados got the benefit of living it vicariously.
Now, Erin Hills was not from that same lineage, IMO. Hurdzan and Fry are not what one could arguably call GCA favorite sons. Hurdzan has a separate esteemed reputation due to his tireless effort with gca instruction of construction, book writing, and turf knowledge. He is much more popular at the GCSAA than he is at, becasue some have pidgeon holed him here as not a great designer of great concepts. (I'm not declaring that as a fact, just impressions I get from the general run of the conversations about him) Yet, ERrin Hills, with a ride-a-long semi GCA favorite doing limitted work (Rod Whitman) and a big name golf architecture writer got some mild curiosity and interest during construction. Not so much from as from other publications, and news articles, and the USGA folk. Cripes, they are talking about an official event there before it opened!
John, we got a place here to chat, and we do have some limitted influence on opinion, I think. But, we aren't big enough to be king makers and sometimes can't form a consensus on what logo to put on a golf bag. this isn't a monolithic meeting of the minds here, nor a conspiracy to elevate certain archies over others. Also JIMHO...
Yes, some courses get a GCA buzz, some don't. Yet, that don't make'em or break'em.