How common is it for early clubs that are still in existence and have redesign or expansion work over the years to not have any information whatsoever? I've seen clubs with wrong information but cannot say I've ever come across a club with no history whatsoever.
I've seen that happen when a clubhouse fire has destroyed historical records, but even then, usually someone from the club has used alternative means (old news accounts on microfiche, etc.) to research early accounts. Often the people involved in these early clubs were the most prominent in their communities, so there is usually something in the press reports. However, as "architecture" wasn't really a known profession at the time, sometimes those reports don't really point out specifics about who laid out the course, and other times you get lucky.
For instance, even in 1927 when Karakung at Cobb's Creek opened, the news accounts of the brand new course (and it was a substantive article) don't mention a thing about who might have designed it.