"Cutting frequently is downright NECESSARY to grass health. After this recent spate of storms, it's taken us about 3 days to get the grass back into "good cut" status, where the cut is even and clean and not tearing the blade to hell. We could finally roll the greens today and get them running where they should be. If the possibility of daily cutting is taken away by staff cuts, then grass health will suffer.
Remember, pretty much EVERY thing done to the grass is done so that the crew can cut the grass as frequently as possible. That's the only reason.
With the loss in labor, the first stuff to go would probably be bunker maintenance and rough maintenance, followed by tees, followed by fairways and then incidentals like water coolers and clean ball washers.
No super in his right mind would hold back on cutting greens just because of a loss of labor."
With budgets cut in half, there would have to be a return to older strains of grasses that could tolerate the higher cut. If I were an architect specializing in returning more slopes to greens, I'd also corner the market on older strains of grass that were required and therefore make even more Kaching