Many courses have been faced with the decision on whether to switch to one of the new ultra dwarf bermudas in the last few years.
The bottom line is whether the club likes the overseeded greens in the winter. The ultra dwarfs are so much more dense than the TifDwarf that overseeding is much more difficult...not impossible, but more difficult than the ultra dwarfs. If overseeding is not a prerequisite, then the club will probably have to understand that in that environment there will be some period of winter time that the greens will go off color. Sometimes greens are painted for a short period to overcome this. Sometimes iron can bring in some color. But, they will not have the appearance of overseeded greens during the cold periods and if the membership is used to that, then problems could occur. Just be sure they know this going into the project.
It is a no brainer on getting rid of the common bermuda.
Much success is taking place with using the new paspalums in the fairways and roughs instead of 419 Bermuda in some parts of SC. In Bluffton, the May River club is having great success, to my knowledge, with the paspalum fairways. Just something new to consider.
This is probably not new information to you since the club has some quality consultants, but you asked so I responded.
Good luck!