"The troubles with hazards within hazards are twofold.
Firstly, by significantly increasing the risk of hitting the ball into the hazard (who wants to take an unplayable from some broom?)"
Ricardo the Magnifico:
I do and I have. Matter of fact by doing so it created one helluva Rules flap.
It was in one of the later matches of the Philly Amateur one time and I hit my tee shot on the 8th hole at Philly CC into one of those huge broom things in the middle of a bunker that the club affectionately called "Simpsons" (after Bart Simpson's hair).
My opponent was a guy from the Atlantic City CC that ironically used to have those things in their bunkers.
We'd just had a real Rules flap about two holes previous and things were sort of less than back-slapping cordial at that point.
I told him I was going to take an unplayable and drop my ball behind the bunker keeping the spot in the Simpson between me and the hole.
He said that I couldn't drop a ball BEHIND the bunker because my ball was in the bunker. I said it wasn't in the bunker because any grass covered area in a bunker is not considered to be part of the bunker.
He said of course it is becaue that Goddamned Simpson was right in the middle of the bunker.
I said I didn't give a damn where it was in the bunker because grass covered ground anywhere in a bunker is not considered to be in a bunker.
Well we weren't arriving at any consensus and another match was coming up behind us so he suggested I hit a second ball and we could resolve the issue later.
I said you can't hit a second ball in match play and he said of course you could and it was done all the time. I said I didn't give a damn if he or others he knew did it all the time it wasn't allowed in the Rules but he insisted it was.
And so to keep things going I said; "Look Ace, it's not allowed in the Rules but if you, my opponent, are asking me to do it to keep things going then fine I will hit a second ball", and I did.
When we came around to #10 we reported all those facts to the "committee" and they rolled their eyes in amazement and set about pow-wowing over all that. They told us to just keep going and they'd call the USGA and report the resolution later in the match.
I ended up beating that guy, but they really didn't do anything about that entire situation.
Of coruse I had every right to use the Unplayable Rule the way I did out of the Simpson in that bunker but the second ball things remained hazy and got just dropped.
I suppose the correct ruling should have been lose of hole to me for hitting a second ball in match play even if I did it only because my opponent insisted on it to keep things going or perhaps even the DQing of both of us since he asked me to hit that second ball and I agreed thereby both of us agreeing to waive a rule of golf which is DQ to both players.
They took those Simpsons out of the bunkers at PCC and I'm sorry they did because now players don't have the opportunity to go through all that crap that I did with that player from ACC in the Philly AM.