I admit I am startlingly good at doing that.
First; 'conservative' and 'liberal' are NOT political descriptives, though politics has copped the terms and misuses them consistently, even going so far in the USA as relating them to political parties. They are actually cognitive domains in which impressions of the World can be weighed buy individuals.
Conservative in general can be related to a conviction that 'we got it right', 'no need to change', 'others need to recognize our ascendancy' etc. You know? No women competing with men [business, golf, etc]. Never admit when we are wrong! ["what do you mean no WMDs? Oops, sorry, see ya later!"[Yeah, right]] Attack the messanger, blame the victim etc. Might even be the type of thinking that leads to believe that there is only a very limited range of ideas appropriate for designing a golf course, eh?
Liberal in general means 'could there be a better way?', 'no fear of new ideas', 'might even our enemies have what they deem reasons for their position'; 'target golf can be enjoyable too' etc. They might even recognize that while men are physically in general more equipped to play golf, there might be the occasional women who CAN compete ...... no big deal. And no, that does NOT mean it makes sense to reciprocate by putting men in the women's tourneys, as for the most part, the difference will be too manifest to make it reasonable.
If, from all this, you deem I consider myself a liberal, well I am not surprised you think so. We libs do not assume conservatives are stupid, after all, just 'wrong headed'!
All this to say "let her grow up a bit before making her a target".