I've mostly lived in the north east(NW CT, NW NY) and I would have to say things are getting warmer, wetter, and more unsettled. Spring is almost a thing of the past in Ct.
The old timers up in West Pierrepont, NY,(near St. Lawrence U) say -50 wasn't uncommon during the winter, I lived there for a short spell and -32 was the coldest I saw. They believed the winters were getting warmer, I have no reason to doubt them.
Have humans had a hand in the process of warming up the globe, causing more exremes of weather? Does our output add to what scientists say are naturally occurring cycles? I don't know how anyone could think otherwise. Even the community that doesn't believe we are responsible acknowledges that co2 causes warming and changes weather.
I like this argument: A golf course may pollute less than a housing development, but both pollute more than no development in the same area (unless you're cleaning up a superfund site). I think the same can be said for global warming: if co2 causes it then we are culpable to a certain degree, even if we are the 'golf course' in the equation.