Do you think he'll be able to do what none of these recent top level people in the USGA have not been able to do? That is, of course, get the very much desired approval of the Golf Club Atlas treehouse full of nuts."
Jim Reinhart is a great guy and perhaps a most persuasive man but no, I doubt even he could do that.
First of all, if Reinhart managed to get the USGA to do every single thing GOLFCLUBATLAS.comers now recommend and hope will happen they would still blame the USGA for anything they could think of. Haven't you noticed the USGA is the entity that this site just loves to hate?
But perhaps he could help maintain a low boil on what the USGA thinks of GOLFCLUBATLASers. There was an Excecutive Committee member, now since on to other things
who actually recommended that the USGA should think seriously about "getting" some of the jerks on GOLFCLUBATLAS.com. I hope that didn't mean virtual assassination but one never know these days.