Your getting some good advice from two guys that have seen their share of Fazio courses. I tend to agree exactly what John Conley is saying, Youll see the same stuff again and again in subsequent trips to other Fazio "gems." However, I'll be surprised, especially since your playing with a certain--hurrumph hurrumph!--member that participates here, that you would be able to give a unbridle, un-biased opinion.
Just remember this when your doing your gushing.
But then when you do get to revisit the course in return visits and as John says, see the amount of repetition that is going on--it's bound to happen when you build that many courses and move the much earth--well, you'll get the point.
I'm sure Aldarra will tickle your fancy, but lets get something straight. As your knowledge further grows, you'll see for yourself that the critiques of Fazio are in fact valid.
I suggest developing your own opinion.
--Look at the bunkering. I've never even seen an image of the Aldarra, but I can say in all due honesty, if the bunkering is anything like any other Fazio course, your probably going to love it. Look at the placement: Is it strategically and thoughtfully placed, not just for you but golfer's better and worse then you?
--Check out the subtle containment, and how Fazio ties it into his fairways, making it this grand rolling scale of humps and hollows, which if you go further into the woods, you'll see really doesn't tie into the existing elements, but instead hides them. You'll also see massive movement created for drainage on a scale that most architects don't dare to venture simply because they choose to give their clients a more affordable "product," not one that is three times the cost.
--Are the trees and other landscaping items natural to the area? Or were they imported in, thus creating a new environment or fauna that is new to the area. Do notice how all of the landscaping is in fact maintained, and usually on a grand scale. (Of all the Up-with-Fazio people I have talked to out there, when they in fact join Fazio clubs and then see just how much it costs to maintain them, well lets just say they suddenly get the picture)(John K. would probably be an exception here, but I'm sure he just loves the flowers at VicNat.)

--Look at the attention to detail in hiding cart paths. I have to give it to them here. No one hides paths better then Fazio, with Doak maybe a close second, but when your building Hole #A5 with Green #B3 and Creek #C4, well you can see how they have accomplished this by a successful formula, albeit a repiticious one.
--Also, look for creative green shapes. this would mean that most of the greens out there will undoubtedly--and again, i say this without even seeing nary an image or discription of the place--other then boisterous claims of your host (a good guy)--will feature tough pin placements in the front and back of each green, at about a 30 degree angle to the back pin, with a bunker or two carry, or to a somewhat tough placement in front. (False fronts included) I will hazard a guess and say you'll probably see this about 10-12 times during the round, if not more.
Enjoy the round, and kick your host's petard. He deserves it for influencing the minds of America's Youth!