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Kenny Lee Puckett

As Don Corleone said:

"I made him an offer that he couldn't refuse".

Here's to dad's and 6 year olds learning the game with style that make make families, families.

« Last Edit: June 17, 2006, 05:28:52 AM by James W. Keever »

Jordan Wall

Re:It's Father's Day Weekend -Take Your Son Golfing
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2006, 01:00:55 AM »
James W

I love my father so much. No matter how he or I play, my fondest memories on the golf course are with my pops.  The day I made my frst birdie, the day I made my first par, and heck the day where he and I got to share a round on a great course with nopthing but glorious views on a day that Mr. Doak said somehow the rain would stop--and it did.  To those golf days in Hawaii, from birdieing the 18th at the Plantation to giving you a big hug at the end of our golf on that last green, thank you dad.  You are the best.

Dad, if you in some weird way end up reading this I hope I can always enjoy a round on Saturday.  You are truly awesome.  
And to all the fathers out there, have a great Fathers Day.  Know that your children grow up and cherish your time with them, just as they probably do with you.

Doug Wright

Re:It's Father's Day Weekend -Take Your Son Golfing
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2006, 01:31:42 AM »

As the father of four great girls, perhaps you could modify your thread title to include daughters too.
Twitter: @Deneuchre

Kenny Lee Puckett

Re:It's Father's Day Weekend -Take Your Son and or Daughter Golfing
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2006, 05:33:00 AM »
Doug -

You are absolutely right!  I woke up after 4 hours of sleep to modify the title before I even saw your post.  My five year old entertainment reporter is happy just to see the ball fly, even though she has clubs of her own.  In an explosion of pink, she tells me, "Daddy, I love watchng golf!"

No better Father's Day gift than that!


Kenny Lee Puckett

Re:It's Father's Day Weekend -Take Your Son Golfing
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2006, 05:41:53 AM »
James W

I love my father so much. No matter how he or I play, my fondest memories on the golf course are with my pops.  The day I made my frst birdie, the day I made my first par, and heck the day where he and I got to share a round on a great course with nopthing but glorious views on a day that Mr. Doak said somehow the rain would stop--and it did.  To those golf days in Hawaii, from birdieing the 18th at the Plantation to giving you a big hug at the end of our golf on that last green, thank you dad.  You are the best.

Dad, if you in some weird way end up reading this I hope I can always enjoy a round on Saturday.  You are truly awesome.  
And to all the fathers out there, have a great Fathers Day.  Know that your children grow up and cherish your time with them, just as they probably do with you.

Jordan -

Well stated.  I can remember the taste of the hot dog that we had after the first time that we played in Fla.  I still have the scorecard.  And let's not forget Mom!  My motther took me out for my first real 18 with a caddie and full scoring at the the age of 8.  Best 163 that I ever shot.  I have that card as well.

When we meet, with enough advanced warning, I will be wearing my golf shirt with the lovable scamps on it - a very limited edition gift from Comedy Central.  BTW, I spoke with a few of the caddies that are enjoying the pressure cooker down in Mamaroneck, and they thought that the over/under for my 3.3 would be a 95 thich takes into account that I know the course pretty well...

If you are thinking about breeaking 80 on a PGA TOUR Course under Tournament conditions, and I play a bunch of Pro-Ams and Tees & Pins Mondays, your two best bets would be Harbour Town or Colonial.  Neither course is exceptionally long, and both of them are not ringed with unspinable rough.

Keen your enthusiasm up!



Re:It's Father's Day Weekend -Take Your Son and or Daughter Golfing
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2006, 06:21:32 AM »
I'm lucky enough to be able to play golf with my youngest son today and my oldest son tomorrow (with Bill Dow and his son-in-law) then dinner with the family plus mother-in-law.  My children may not love golf as much as I do and I may need to nudge them to the course sometimes, but they always are glad we did afterwards.

Rather than hotdogs, my kids like the cheesesteaks at the club  ;)
« Last Edit: June 17, 2006, 06:22:13 AM by Wayne Morrison »


Re:It's Father's Day Weekend -Take Your Son and or Daughter Golfing
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2006, 02:05:07 PM »
One of my fondest memories with my dad was when the four of us girls and our brothers too, got a chance to tee it up together. A rare occasion, considering the 6 siblings are separated by miles, residing in 3 different states.

Reflecting back on that round of golf, our pace of play was respectable, however, we were a little short on talent, so we rescued the day with camaraderie instead.



Re:It's Father's Day Weekend -Take Your Son and or Daughter Golfing
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2006, 03:20:54 PM »
My Father's Day card from my 1st grader came home from school yesterday. He "wrote" on the computer that he used to print the card, "I like it when you take me golfing." He even found me a astroturf card with a green on it when he went shopping with his mother. :)
   My boys like golf and being out in our great national parks. I am one lucky man.
"Perimeter-weighted fairways", The best euphemism for containment mounding I've ever heard.

Kenny Lee Puckett

Re:It's Father's Day Weekend -Take Your Son and or Daughter Golfing
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2006, 06:08:11 AM »
My Father's Day card from my 1st grader came home from school yesterday. He "wrote" on the computer that he used to print the card, "I like it when you take me golfing." He even found me a astroturf card with a green on it when he went shopping with his mother. :)
   My boys like golf and being out in our great national parks. I am one lucky man.

My 1st grade boy wrote a poem for school about golf.  The best line was:  "It is fast down the hill.  I don't think that I can make it.  I do!"

I am taking the brood out for a 1pm family lesson after my 7:30am 18 this morning.

I hope that I am lucky as well.



Re:It's Father's Day Weekend -Take Your Son and or Daughter Golfing
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2006, 02:12:40 PM »
My oldest son (15) broke 100 this father's day...he shot a 95.  With the wily veteran Bill Dow as his partner, he won $2 off me and my partner, Bill's son-in-law.  Great fun was had by all and I couldn't be more proud of my boy!  He is just starting to play regularly and with some dedication.  Finally he is motivated at something besides XBox.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2006, 02:13:28 PM by Wayne Morrison »

Evan Fleisher

Re:It's Father's Day Weekend -Take Your Son and or Daughter Golfing
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2006, 09:38:07 AM »
Great stories, all!!!

My wife was away for 4 days this past weekend for a "girls only" outing, so it was my and my two little critters from Thursday to Sunday.

Kathryn (my 7-year-old) was really excited to hit the range, so we did...on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (including putting green time).

We went to brunch on Sunday moring, and I got a bag full of goodies...a note saying my new logo golf ball rack was coming in a few days (ran out of space on the two I already own), a putter-shaped golf pen, golf frame for a picture, and a TON of homemade favorite one being the golf picture Kathryn drew of me "nearly" making a hole-in-one on our 7th hole earlier this year.  As for that frame...gonna get a shot of me and Kathryn on the course together...will look GREAT on my desk!

After brunch we came back to the course for some putting practice and then played our 10th hole together.  It is a par-3 and Kathryn was on the putting surface in four should have seen her face!  A four-putt later we walked off satisfied with our brief journey and she had played a hole completely from tee to green.  Simply awesome stuff, and I think she is now hooked...
Born Rochester, MN. Grew up Miami, FL. Live Cleveland, OH. Handicap 13.2. Have 26 & 23 year old girls and wife of 29 years. I'm a Senior Supply Chain Business Analyst for Vitamix. Diehard walker, but tolerate cart riders! Love to travel, always have my sticks with me. Mollydooker for life!

Jordan Wall

Re:It's Father's Day Weekend -Take Your Son and or Daughter Golfing
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2006, 10:03:08 AM »
On Saturday my dad and I went out to the local course, about a 30second walk from my house.

We got there at 7:00 and there was nobody there, not even in the pro shop.  We just decided to play and we had a great time--dad made four pars!- and on the last hole the pro came walking, waved at us, said have fun, and left.  Just dad and I with nobody else on the course and no worries, even for nine holes, it was great!
