I think it's a whole lot of fun and can be extremely gratifying to educate golfers into some of the nuances of golf course architecture. Occasionally you run into people who later say they consequently look at golf and golf courses in a whole new and far more fascinated light.
However, in no case----no case at all, would I ever even remotely imply that before they willingly launch into an education of the finer points of golf architecture that they are ignorant!
To say or imply such a thing to any other golfer is both arrogant and pompous and in almost no case do golfers take well to someone who acts that way.
People get out of golf and golf architecture what they want to get out of it. That's any golfers' good right and they should be respected in any case.
If I've never informed you of golf and architecture's over-riding philosophy redanman, I will now. It is;
"Golf and golf course architecture is a great big world and there really is room in it for everyone."

Otherwise known as "The Big World Theory".
At the very least it serves the important purpose of suppressing patent intellectual arrogance and pomposity which does nothing much more than almost automatically piss people off.

And why does it almost automatically piss people off? Probably because no matter what reasons anyone plays golf fairly dedicatedly they seem to do it and take it remarkably personally. In that phenomenon is apparently golf's (and architecture's) greatest seduction as well as its greatest riddle.