gentlemen (and ladies),
many thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. I've been out of town for a few days (playing golf of all things), and away from GCA.
I suppose it is prudent for me to give more information on the site i am working with, and the project itself...
The project itself is my masters of landscape architecture thesis. I will save you the details of my thesis arguement, but the reason I started the thread was to get a better idea of how to plan, size and design an irrigation pond system, integrated with a stormwater management program. I have researched the topic extensively, and have found bits and pieces of information on irrigation/sizing requirements, and a lot of preaching of "one should do this or that", however very little explicit information on how it is executed in the real world.
The information you've given already is great, but maybe i can squeeze a bit more out of everyone here if I provide more site info:
Location: Surrey, BC, Canada - characterized by mild wet winters, and warm, dry summers.
Site Size: approximately 280 acres, gently rolling, with average grade on the site 6.5% falling from NE to SW.
Veg. Cover: 80% Young deciduous forest, with some mature conifers 20% old field habitat and agriculture fields.
Soils: less than ideal. low to med surficial permeability. marine and glaciomarine stony and stoneless silt loam, with some sand and silt.
Annual Precip: 1400 mm/year
Estimated Pre-Dev't water balance (round figures):
total precip over site = 1,900,000 cubic metres
estimated evap: = 866,000
Total run off: = 200,000
Infiltration = 833,000
Estimated Post Dev't (based on current concept)
Total Precip: = 1,900,000
estimated evap: = 858,000
estimated runoff = 340,000
Infiltration = 702,000
My Estimated Irrigation requirment (based on current concept):
180,000 gallons/day during June-Sept
25,000,000 gallons/year total
Water Source: Many servicable wells exist on site, providing from 3-10 gpm. Wells no longer used as a source of drinking water. Little surface water on site - a significant wetland that must be protected, and 4 small seasonal streams.
Turf Selection: Undecided. Assuming a colonial bent? which is well adapted to the regional climate.
Clearly the goal here is to capture and reuse (for irrigation) as much of the precipitation as possible. My question now goes beyond the sizing and water requirements, into HOW to integrate the systems, WHERE to integrate the systems, and WHAT does it look like?
As mentioned, there seems to be very little literature for me to pull from, so any direction towards resources, or any professional (or amateur!) advice is VERY appreciated.
I also hope no one minds my candidness regarding the project. I do appreciate your help!