The BBC website has a story of the normally placid Retief Goosen giving off about the greens.“Goosen said he had spoken to Els, who he claimed admitted the greens needed work. The greens were largely untouched in Els' revamping,
"I saw Ernie last night and he said when you're playing late afternoon the first two rounds, you've got pretty much no chance of making putts," Goosen said.
"The greens have always been the issue here, not so much the rest of the course. But you never know, they might dig them up and plant new grass and next year the greens may be good.
"He hopes that hopefully they might do it but he's not sure how much money is left for it to be done."
Goosen said the poa annua grass on the greens should be replaced by "anything else".
Els, who finished the tournament on the same score as Goosen, said the weather was to blame.
"If the weather were better, the greens will roll better," Els said.
"The greens are awful now. Nothing against the greens staff. It's just the weather, footprints and stuff.
"There is no time to change the greens. You'd have to close the course for a year. That's not possible. “
Harrington has made the same complaint for years and has in the past tried to avoid the tournament. A lot of political pressure has been put on him to compete in this flagship tournament when he freely admits to hating playing Wentworth in the spring but enjoying it during the autumn matchplay.
It might not be coincidental that the normally reticent Goosen is a mate of Ernie’s?