"TEPaul & Bryan,
I believe the language speaks for itself.
You WANT to interpret it in a singular fashion, yet the language is clear, it says that, "If the committee wishes to REQUIRE players to play A BRAND OF GOLF BALL on the list,.....
Any one reading that understands the words "WISHES TO REQUIRE" and A BRAND OF GOLF BALL.
I think the language is sufficient to provide support for the committee deeming that a specified ball, already on the approved list, will be "The Ball" for purposes of the competition.
Apparently, I"m not the only one who feels that the language allows the committee to require A BRAND OF GOLF BALL for the competition. I believe the OGA and attorneys have looked at the language and found it sufficient to allow for the play of a required competition ball.
Let's not get diverted from Local Rule Part C sub paragraph 1 b.
Sub paragraphs 1 a. and 1 c. deal with other issues.
Sub paragraph 1 b. is specific to the committee and a required brand of ball."
As usual you completely miss the entire gist of what I'm saying here.
It doesn't matter how Pat Mucci or Tom Paul or the OGA or the OGA's attorneys interpret the wording in App 1, Part C 1b and how it might apply to this OGA issue, it only matters how the R&A/USGA Rules of Golf Committees and particularly the R&A/USGA Joint Rules Committee interprets it.
This is not a matter of how I WANT to interpret it----I'm telling you how almost all of those I've spoken to in the USGA Rules Committee as well as a few on the Board and a number of other Rules Authorities interpret it.
And I'm telling you from my conversations it may not be unanimous and it appears this is an issue that will very likely be put on the "Docket" to be taken up by the R&A/USGA Joint Rules Committee to create clarification. And I doubt that clarification will be on the issue of a tournament committee's ability to require the use of a competition ball, I bet the clarification will be what exactly a tournament committee's autonomy is under the R&A/USGA Rules of Golf to create their own local rules, as in effect the USGA believes the OGA is doing.
I can pretty much guarantee you that if they decide that this kind of thing might conform to the Rules of Golf they will not use App 1, Part C 1b as a means or mechanism or "Local" Rule to allow it. And the reason for that is that wording simply does not apply to a requirement to use a single specified "competition" ball, as you think it does. That wording only means a committee may require competitors to use balls that are on the Conforming List. The choice of what ball to use on the conforming list is up to the player. You should certainly know that as you've played enough tournament golf.
To REQUIRE competitors to play ONE SPECIFIC ball on the conforming ball list would need a new Local or Specimen Rule and the R&A/USGA has said clearly they are not interested in anything other than a single I&B standard for all golfers.
Do yourself a favor and just read the R&A/USGA's Joint Statement of Principles on that issue.
Don't get mixed up here. This is not necessarily what I'd like to see happen, I'm merely telling you the way THEY look at it.
Frankly, when it comes to how the Rules are interpreted if there's a question about them that goes to the R&A/USGA Joint Rules Committee, Lew Blakey who just may be the finest Rules authority in the world said it all----he said it really doesn't matter what anyone thinks is right it only matters if his opinion has the votes required to approve a meaning, decision or Rule.

Do you really think the R&A/USGA's Rules Committees and their Joint Rules Committee is going to ask Pat Mucci or Tom Paul or the OGA or their attorneys to interpret this issue for them?