SPDB wrote "It appears that Silva has built quite a franchise retouching Raynor designs. To date, I believe he has worked on Lookout Mtn, Mountain Lake, Fox Chapel and CC of Charleston (St. Louis too, if we include MacD designs).
Jay's recent postings about CCofC have prompted me to take a closer look at his work, now that it appears these are more than just one-off jobs. Seeing pictures of the recent work, it strikes me that his bunker work seems really forced, and almost hyper geometric relative to Raynor.
Some of the bunkers at Mountain Lake appear almost comically square (admittedly, this may owe more to much of the original work being Bank's more than Raynor). His work at St. Louis seems inconspicuous (i'll be going back in a couple of weeks to check it out), but some of the other ones I've seen make me think something is amiss.
Does anybody else get this impression?"
I am happy to report that yours fear should be set completely to rest. I have seen firsthand the number of clubs, other architects, researchers and other people devoted to helping Brian restore the CC charleston to its exact correct specs...as raynor laid them out. Brian has garnered an incredible amount of information from all corners of the past...original specs, pics, drawings, etc. He is NOT putting his spin on the course in any way and the course and members and indeed charleston golfing community are all of one like mind...we are 100% behind Brian and what he is doing. From the course execs to the shapers to the staff to the owners...they believe in Brian overall restoration and the minutiae with which he has dug up to effectuate it.
Many members I know from Mtn Lake feel the same way. I hope some of them come out here and join in this thread, for I feel that while you posed your question in a gentlemanly way, the ramifications of the fact that you are erroneous, if not allayed, might unfairly brand this man and hurt his chance for future work. Its a serious accusation you leveled...that he takes liberties with raynor's work in a restoration. I have seen the research materials first hand that he uses. I have met with the reserach team...which is extensive...and I have been privileged to look at both sets of plans as well as the photos.
They match. You can sleep more easily. The man the powers that be trusted with the job is doing it all right...right down to "doing the corners."
If Brian silva says Raynor meant for a green to be shaped like a trapezoid...with hard corners...then you take it to the bank that that's a fact. The man is painstaking in researching those details.
Just look at the man's ORIGINAL work. With only the exception of Black Creek...his tribute to Raynor...there isnt a single rectangle, square, geometric shape (other than round) or baroque looking thing at Red tail, waverly oaks, Cape cod or shaker hills.
You have an UNBELIEVABLE course at Mtn Lake...please lets celebrate the man who devotes his life to doing such good work...not bury him.
One last thing. Lets all remember these architects are people too...they feel hurt when we dont appreciate the thousands of hours they work on sites and plans, they bleed when we cut them and they have wives who have to be comforted every time their career takes a downturn due to a misunderstanding...its one thing to say "I didnt like this" or "that's not my style," but its something different entirely to say someone "made a franchise" out of campy-ing Raynor designs...especially when there is so much going on behind the scenes about getting the design right to which we might not be privy. Brin Silva does not run a half-spirited cottage industry in anything he does. He does top quality work.
Again, please understand I send this in the spirit of comeradery and intelligent discussion...this is not meant to attack anyone on any way.