The following quote pilfered from Coos County, Oregon, financial report.
"The Coos County Airport District received a $10 million grant from the State of Oregon to construct a new airport terminal. The architects are now working on the plans. Other airline carriers are also showing an interest in the area."
"Bandon Crossings is the newest golf course in Bandon. They have staked out the fairways, greens, and tees. This will be the fourth golf course in the Bandon Dunes Complex. . . ."
(The statement that BC is part of the Bandon Complex is news to me. I thought it was a financial venture separate from BD. From what I heard, the designer is the primary investor. Can't remember the name though, but I believe he is an ex-superintendant. (Take that with a grain of salt.))
My source says that they want to open early next Summer.
From the Army Corp website :
Public Notice 200600118, requested by Bandon Crossings. The proposed project is located on South Twomile and Lower Twomile creeks in Bandon, Ore.
The applicant proposes to fill about 2.37 acres of wetland to construct a new 18-hole golf course, including a clubhouse, parking lot, golf range, irrigation pond, pump station and utility lines. Comments must be received by April 27, 2006. A copy of the public notice may be found at . . . ( 1.97 MB )