Seems like we have discussed this before, but no, at least directly.
If they have been responsible, its not for technical reasons, but budget reasons. Since they cost a lot to build, there is pressure to reduce green size to the absolute minimum possible, and as a result, subtelties that reduce cuppping space are taken out.
As I once described, even a six inch high bump takes out several hundred sq. feet of cup area. How? At a maximum 10 to 1 slope, it takes up a ten foot circle minimum. However, no one will cup within at least three feet of it, so the total area taken out of effective use is a 16 foot diameter circle, or about 192 sq. feet. A one foot bump would take out a 26 foot circle, or almost 500 SF.
On budget strapped courses, that small feature is adding at least 10% to each green surface in the name of "interest." (I put quotes there, because like any other feature that may prevent a direct shot/putt at the flag, lots of golfers don't find them interesting at all......