Don't take it personally. Thomas seems to think we need help in order to design a decent golf course...
Unfortunately, we don't offer internship programs.... But continue to push your way out there, it will work sooner or later...
Finally, some sort of criticism I can relate to, and understand! Believe me, I agree, some of my firm's courses have been built by moving massive amounts of material.... If that makes you feel better, we have noticed, and I am personnaly working on that matter as we speak. However, before choking to death by looking at pictures like the stuff you just posted, maybe you should try to come out here and see a few of our later samples, amongst other fine canadian courses by other canadian architects, classical and/or contemporary.
You might even find something you would like! (God forbid!)
As for the Graham 'Cookian' look, you still haven't explained anything! Containment mounding have nothing to do with computer simulations, as far as I know. And with guys like Mike Jones around, I have abandoned the idea of trying to figure out apcd a long time ago. My pen and paper is just too valuable for me to start doing some cut & paste technique some guys in this post refer to.
You're totally entitled to your opinions, I just wish you would explain them instead of making comments like the one in your initial post, especially if they are meant to 'get' us in a way or another. If you're so knowledgeable about this stuff, maybe it would help us get better.... and you wouldn't have to choke to death anymore....