Victoria Golf Club, Victoria, B.C. dates back to 1893 and according to the club history by Peter Corley-Smith is the second oldest golf club in North America still in its original location. The oldest is stated to be Shinnecock Hills (18920. Currently, our Jeff Mingay is completing a restoration of the bunkers at Victoria which has greatly improved the course but totally in character with this quirky little course.
The Victoria history also says ""To go even further back, one authority claims that a small group of Hudson's Bay officers were the first to play golf in the Pacific Northwest in the 1840s. An unnamed Factor at Steilaccom, one of the Hudson's Bay farms administered by Fort Nisqually, on Puget Sound, in what is now Washington State, sent for his clubs from Scotland, and a small, seven hole course was laid out some two miles from the present village of Steilacoom". Steilacoom is near Tacoma and very close to the Chambers Bay course. I forget the gentleman's last name, first name was Bill, who used to post here and was familiar with this possibility.
Gearhart GC in Gearhart, Or., mentioned by Garland, opened 3 holes in 1892, or at least that is what their website says. I assume if it was only three holes at the time, that may be the reason it was not mentioned in the Victoria history. It is also possible Gearhart may now be in a new location.
Del Monte opened 9 holes in 1897 and a full 18 in 1907.