I don't think that "almost all the best players" were pros in Jones' day.
And the argument that because there are more golfers that being the best is harder is kind of weak. Tiger may have to (theoretically) compete with 30 million golfers instead of 1 million, but how many of those golfers are full time golfers? Pros and idle rich, that is. Jones was neither, and he still kicked everyone's asses regularly. Could Tiger approach what he has done if he had to finish college, attend law school and work as a lawyer most of the year, rather than working on his game 12 hours a day?
Tiger may have more people to compete with, but do you have equipment guys designing equipment to your exact specifications, letting you try out everything while measured in 100 ways by computer and camera, have a trainer, nutritionist, swing coach, full time caddie and probably a hypnotist and astrologer thrown in for good measure? No one has all the advantages Tiger has to the extent he does, and beyond the handful of guys at the top most of those advantages start rapidly dimishing in scope. Its not a fully level playing field between Tiger and the #125 guy on the money list, anymore than it was in Jones' day.
As far as Annika, I don't get why people denigrate her accomplishments because she is only competing against the women? Well, she's a woman, so how is that any different than not letting pros compete in amateur events or adults compete in junior events? People make a big deal about how dominant Tiger was when he was a junior and an amateur, but ignore the fact that he missed the cut whenever he got to compete with the big boys in the Masters and US Open, so he clearly wasn't all that back then by the "Annika" standard.
If aliens visit earth and get interested in golf and start beating humans, I'll bet a lot of humans will still attach a lot of importance for being the 'low human' finisher in the Open, even if he loses by 22 strokes to Vrrrraskkxx from Sirius B. Those Sirius B guys kick some serious long driving ass on our comparatively low gravity world, after all!