In the thread about Jim Engh, I have tried to elaborate my feeling that we ought to limit our praise for expensive, unwalkable courses - and unfortunatly it keeps getting too tied to Engh specifically, which is not my intent.
Thus I shall try this in a separate topic.
THEORY: courses that are either too expensive or unwalkable, or both, are bad for the game of golf. We want to play more, not pay more (thank you Tim Weiman) and we ought to want to do so walking - that remains the soul of the sport.
IDEA: reformulate courses into different categories, with the highest praise given to the top, the lowest to the bottom. All courses can be praised mightily within their categories, but the understanding is that the ones at the top, being best for the game, are the ones most worth of praise. CAVEAT - this would just apply to PUBLIC golf courses. I'd like to tie privates in, but I can't figure out how. In any case, it's like four parts of a quadrant - the ones on top and to the right are positive, the ones below and to the left are negative. The higher and farther to the right you go, the more praise you get.
cart-ball only------------------------------------easy walk
All courses would fall on this graph as they fit. Each quadrant makes up a category:
Affordable/easy walk
easy walk/pricey
Within each category all praise may be given. But the understanding would always be that the higher and farther to the right the course falls on the graph, the most praise-worthy it is.
Obviously the specifics of how to determine how courses fall are yet to be fleshed out.
But as a general way of looking at things, does this make any sense?
If we did look at courses this way, wouldn't it be so much better for the game of golf?
ps - attribution to Steve Shaffer for the category idea. Sorry Steve if this throws you down in the gutter with me.