I figured you'd take it this way. You have me all wrong. This has nothing to do with subtle strategy, or skill in making fun courses out of severe sites, or any of the things Engh seems to be so good at, or any of the things others find him bad at (too much water as you say, bunkering issues, whatever).
It has to do with building courses that are affordable and walkable. Again, I can't see how anything I'd see at Lakota in person would make those two things come true. You - and Matt - keep pointing to issues that to me are beside the point. I've fleshed this out a little better in the thread I started yesterday - New Way to Prioritize Praise - if you have time, check that out.
So the bottom line is this: if a match is to be held with Engh supporters v. Engh haters and it's based on design skill, I'd not have a team. If it's based on doing things that in the end are good for the game, well I suppose I'd have to go on the hater team. But "hate" is a very strong word, and I sincerely would not want to generalize that about Mr. Engh. My thoughts in this thread are very much more about the general trend than specifically what he's done. His words do continue to bother me, but again the proof will be in the courses. But in the end he just seems to be part of a trend and it's the trend I am against, not him specifically.
I guess the bottom line is this: you and Matt would seem to think a course can be so great in terms of strategy, design, whatever you find important, that affordability and walkability issues won't matter at all - they will be overwhelmed by the greatness in other areas. I gather some of these Engh courses bear that out for you.
For me, if they're neither affordable nor walkable, they can still be GREAT, but they're just categorized differently. Check out my other thread.