I just read "City of Fallen Angels" by John Berendt. As I read this thread, and knowing most of the contributors, I can't help but think upon the similarities that Berendt highlights as the "society" players of Venice, and the society that GCA.com sometimes evokes.
We are a community of characters here on GCA. We are people that for the most part enjoy each other's company and share a common passion with diverse opinions of that rather obscure subject of GCA. But there is more to a forum that is long standing than GCA to bond friendships. And, if we didn't have expression beyond mere GCA commentary, we would not get a sense of each other and not have that common humanity that allows friendships.
We would become an effete, inbred, and pedantic lot if all we stuck to was GCA 24/7. Or, we would become a lecture hall where certain know-it-alls would dominate, give instruction on what is quality GCA and who are the best GCAs. That could lead to alliances to shout down "out of the box thinkers" and generally become an elitist cocktail party of royalists.
I'm in the crowd that is advocating for a seperate "fun" button for OT, banter, wit, and listing all the courses one has played, with all the celebrities one knows, at which club houses we have enjoyed a pie plate shower, etc. I'll bet if we get such a button, it will have far more activity than all GCA all the time.
I find it interesting that a few archies have gone so far as to note that they come here for a little light hearted banter. Perhaps it is to refresh the mind that is so occupied with GCA all the time. It seems to me that those archies know that they are engaging in an OT bit of humor with someone that can switch right back to giving them a serious opinion of GCA, when those relavant topics invariably come up, and they seek ideas on the topic.
And as for Joe, who did start a very compelling GCA topic IMHO, and didn't get but 1 response, I guess you needed to add a buzz word in the title, like "which approach at NGLA" or some exclusive topic where folks can brag a little and talk over everyone elses head.