Yes, I agree with Tom. Rosapenna doesn't need more golf per se. What it needs is a true marquee course to elevate the whole place.
It's quite a brief actually. 'Build us a top ten Irish course, and if you don't do so you've failed.'
If I can't deliver a top ten Irish course on that piece of ground, I will indeed have failed -- no matter what the brief was!
Alright then, top five. Quite a bit harder!
Yes, that will be quite a bit harder. But I suppose that's what they want.
Is there room for subtlety/playability in that land without a lot of dirt movement?
and would the Casey's defer to your judgement on that? i.e. the "Top 5" mandate scares me
i.e. more OTM original front nine (I guess much of what's left of the old front is now the back nine)
My feet certainly hurts after Sandy Links-dramatic but less memorable in its repetitive unrelenting drama
I guess that by this point, Tom has spent a lot longer looking at the land than I have but I see the land broken in to four main segments:
One is the natural extension of the Valley holes, alongside the sea and with the same subtle land movement.
The second is a quite spectacular segment that previously hosted some of the Tra Mor holes. It is adjacent to the Sandy Hills boundary and is characterised by some spectacular blow outs. More elevation change and undulation here and potential for a couple of more dramatic green sites, perhaps a couple of horizon / sea backdrops if Tom is so inclined.
The third area is the central hill / dune that can bring elevation change a la Gullane, bring in some great views, nice green sites but with fairly simple ground contours.
Final area (perhaps the biggest) is inland from the central hill and is characterised by quite violent small to mid-sized dunes (all without too much elevation change), ability to route some quite special holes in here.
All in all, the course should be able to use all areas with very little earth movement tee to green. I suspect a few of the green sites will need to be somewhat created and a few small dunes altered / removed here and there.
Be a nice mix, Jeff. Should land perfectly half way between the Valley type holes and the Sandy Hills type holes.
Of course, Tom probably sees it differently.