On that point, I would have to guess it's based on the individual and how much he cares about playing well. In shivas we have a man who has gone through the competitive golf wars, and no "rating" round is ever going to matter to him in terms of how he plays or what score he turns in. He's done way too much of that already. So I have no doubt that how HE plays has absolutely no bearing on what rating he gives, and that the greater the course (outside of competition and betting games) the worse he plays, as he's focusing way more at studying the course and smelling the roses, as it were, and way less on his game.
On the other side there is no doubt there are individuals for whom good score/play means happiness, bad score/play means anger, and this can't help but have an effect on their assessments.
My experience with all this - based on the course raters I know, damn near all of whom are participants here - is that there are far more like shivas then there are like the other individual.
But this does remain a unique group.