However, you know what bothers me or even pisses me off about this website's discussion group?
It's that some contributors put stuff on here that's totally fascinating and potentially discussable and they don't know how to discuss it or just won't. Maybe they're just trying to make some statement and discussion doesn't interest them or perhaps even threatens them, in some way.
Obviously, I'm talking about contributors like Tom MacWood or David Moriarty et al who seem to like to broach subjects and watch what happens, Dialogue doesn't seem their strong suit, although argumentation may be.
And then there're others like Adam Foster Collins, Michael Moore, JohnK, Darren Kilfarra who put some great stuff out here and can't seem to find many takers to discuss it intelligently.
I've been on here from the first day----it's strange in many ways but overall it's much better that it exists than if it didn't.