This is Royal St. George's, in Sandwich, England. Honestly,
I'm not quite sure who the architect is. I didn't do that
research, as RSG doesn't have a web site (that I could find).
Fowler? Colt? OTM?
Anyways, RSG is also commonly known by the tow name,
Sandwich. Sandwich hosts the Open Championship in 2003.
other clues include:
"eat your lunch", "sub", "roll", "dough", "hero", "brown-
bag", "PB&J" all refer to sandwiches.
"we'll set next summer", "Peter Alliss next July", "Open" refer
to next year's Open.
"our prez" "an honorary member" = Royal St. "George"
"king" George
"By George"
"previous AOTD just up the road" = "Royal Cinque Ports"
aka "Deal''