A couple of questions which I hope that some of you will attempt to answer.
1) In the singular, is the correct spelling caddy or caddie? I suspect that the term has Anglican roots, or Latin quite possibly.
2) Is it appropriate/justifiable to force those members and guests to buy something that they may not want on the basis of a large group or even majority thinking it is beneficial for them (to have a thriving caddie program)? How is this any different than mandatory riding?
My objections to taking a caddie have to do with expense, value, the servant/master relationship which I am not comfortable with (being referred to as "boss", "master", "sir" by an old black caddie is not all that unusual in the south), the introduction of another variable into the game, and the lack of intimacy (I much prefer a threesome than a foursome).
As a guest to courses which require caddies or carts, I nearly always take a caddie and make the best of it. However, if I was considering a course to join, except for CPC, Shinny, and a handful of others, a required caddie policy would be a deal killer.
This does not mean that I wouldn't take a high school caddie on occasion when the mood hit me. Like most other things, I think it should be a matter of choice.
If it is in the best interest of the club to have a thriving caddie program, it would be less objectionable to me to have it funded more broadly within the dues structure, and let the users tip on a scale that awards and retains the best caddies. The caddie master would be responsible for the schedule, and all caddies "punched in" would be paid a minimum amount whether or not they actually got a loop.
Any thoughts?