It is true that they are taking a fresh look at their system. The new editor [David Clarke, who has been there less than a year] really had no understanding of the system that was in place, and has taken the criticism of the latest results under consideration, and he wants to get a handle on it.
The panelists were all contacted by Gary Galyean, thanking us for our service and not knowing what changes will result. I've heard through the grapevine that Gary is out and Joe Passov [who's perfect for the job] will run it now. I don't expect that they will completely start over with the panel, but likely either they will choose get rid of those of us in the business and keep many who aren't, or vice versa. I have no idea which way they are leaning.
In the end, the selection of the panelists is the most critical component of any ranking system. If you've got people who don't know what they are looking at, or influenced by factors other than the quality of the golf course, you've got no chance to produce a viable ranking.