I don't know what exact numbers, but take a course like Kingley Club-They DO NOT have a $1,000,000 maintenance shop, I would guess that they DO NOT have a $1,000,000 irrigation system, they DO NOT have a glorious clubhouse (It's perfect in my mind-shirts, food and a bathroom) they DO NOT walk mow greens, tees or approaches, have fescue fairways=minimal fungicides and fertilizer, they DO NOT have a ton of rough to mow, and have a small maintenance staff, maybe 8 guys or so. I don't even know if there is $500,000 in equipment in the building, and I would be shocked if their maintenance budget is anything more than $500, I said, not knowing what their dues are, I would have to say that Kingley is a pretty good model and a Top 25 club.....Now that I think of it, seems like Greywalls has many things similar-Having only seen Kingsley, I cannot see why a course would need much more-the conditions were great, the staff was fantastic and friendly and the golf course offers endless's a club I'd love to call home-A very special place.
Tony Nysse
Asst. Supt.
Long Cove Club