OK, now back to #12.
I am very, very close to understanding Dave's take on this golf hole... I just have a few more questions. I will say this, Dave - you have intrigued me so much re this, that you got me to do something I nearly NEVER do - research, rather than just talking out my ass. I pulled out Geoff's book. In the chapter discussing Rustic, there is a great picture of number 12 taken from above the left side, looking back at the fairway... this to me illustrates perfectly what's going on near the green. Damn I wish I had a way to post it here... but in any case, you know the hole, it doesn't matter. Geoff's caption to the pic reads:
"View from the rear of the 330-yard twelfth at Rustic Canyon. The small elevated green is best approached from the middle of the fairway, where the player has a more forgiving shot. Drives close to the green and near the bunkers will be facing a crowned surface sloping slightly away from them."
EUREKA! I get it completely now - or at least I think I do. I just don't think it's a "slice of pie" one needs to hit into, but more like a long rectangle. That is, the key is that one achieves the proper angle in - remembering that the internal "knob" has a flat part extending out to the right - such that shots from the right, going up the knob - are indeed more forgiving. Thus yes, too close to the green AND TOO FAR TO THE LEFT will be more difficult than those way out there to the right, along the "rectangle" extending out from the knob. THIS was my disconnect - you see, my shot wasn't too close to the green, it was too close to the bunkers - ie too far left! Had it gone 10 yards farther (on a line from the tee), I would have achieved the rectangle, had a less difficult putt in (I'm never gonna say an easy shot, damn no shot is ever going to be easy trying to get it to go up and stay on that knob). Still, the key wasn't being too close to the green, the key was that I didn't reach the rectangle.
I guess I can see an argument that farther back on the rectangle might be better than close to the green in the rectangle also... but I don't agree with it. if the green is firm - like it damn nearly always should be - than being 80 yards back means a LOT less margin for error than being able to putt the ball, or bump it up the slope... Even if you can spin the ball more, that's still a lot tougher shot than being close and either putting or hitting a running chip.
In any case, one picks one's poison then off the tee... Try to bash it close to the green, remembering that missing the rectangle means a damn hard shot, no matter if you get it very close to the green (ie you better stay far enough right)... if you feel you can do it, bash away and try to reach the green, keeping in mind the severe penalties (left and long) if you fail... hit something out to the right, keeping in mind that if you miss the rectangle you're gonna have a VERY tough shot, and even if you achieve it it's gonna be tougher than if you get closer in on the rectangle... Multiple choices, much "confusion", much "temptation" - all the makings of a damn great golf hole.