Two points:
Many of the yucca plants at Prairie Dunes are within the confines of the bunkers themselves, including "islands" within the bunker, a Maxwell favorite.
Second, how can you call them "eye candy" when you've already quite effectively made the case that they are dangerously penal in terms of playability?
I also think Grampa makes a sound aesthetic assessment in his comparison of the bunker plantings at Merion pre and post Fazio. The old stuff just seemed to grow at random, and looked as much a part of the bunkering as the sand. The new stuff...looks like rows of hair plugs on a bald pate.
From a playbility standpoint overall, I say, bring em on. While I think that plantings that cause lost balls is a bit of overkill, I do enjoy the inconsistentcy and variations that a reasonable amount of bunker "growth" can achieve. If it gets in your head, which I believe it does, then I say the strategic objective is already achieved.