A friend of mine (Tim) has been trying to get access as a poster of the site. He seems to be having some trouble. Does anyone know how to help him? Here is a copy of the conversation we just had a moment ago:
Adam says: (2:33:49 PM)
what's up?
Tim - Sittin' in a box; checkin' my stocks! says: (2:35:06 PM)
I was just looking at GolfClubAtlas and they were talking about Mickelson/Bones putting towels out on the practise range.
Adam says: (2:35:18 PM)
hitting to them?
Tim - Sittin' in a box; checkin' my stocks! says: (2:35:23 PM)
I thought it might be nice to see what they think about practise range design.
Tim - Sittin' in a box; checkin' my stocks! says: (2:35:45 PM)
I'm writing up a little note -- will mail it to you.
Adam says: (2:35:58 PM)
you can just enter it - as a guest.
Tim - Sittin' in a box; checkin' my stocks! says: (2:36:38 PM)
No, a guest is unable to post.
Adam says: (2:37:12 PM)
Are you sure? - there are tons of guest posts.
Tim - Sittin' in a box; checkin' my stocks! says: (2:38:31 PM)
IT says: To post you must be logged in. Please click here to register.
Adam says: (2:38:53 PM)
Tim - Sittin' in a box; checkin' my stocks! says: (2:38:53 PM)
When I click the register place, it says "You are not allowed to access this section."
Adam says: (2:39:05 PM)
Tim - Sittin' in a box; checkin' my stocks! says: (2:39:51 PM)
I think guest just means you haven't earned stars.
Adam says: (2:40:27 PM)
no - then you are a newbie.
Tim - Sittin' in a box; checkin' my stocks! says: (2:41:09 PM)
Well, it doesn't seem to work for me.
Adam says: (2:41:18 PM)
what happens if you just hit 'new topic'? Is that where it says you have to log on?
Tim - Sittin' in a box; checkin' my stocks! says: (2:41:44 PM)
"To post you must be logged in. If you don't have an account yet, please register."
Tim - Sittin' in a box; checkin' my stocks! says: (2:42:13 PM)
Click on "register" and it says "You are not allowed to access this section".
Adam says: (2:42:20 PM)
Okay I'll post this conversation - we'll see if anyone knows. Did you not hear back on emails about it?
Tim - Sittin' in a box; checkin' my stocks! says: (2:43:10 PM)
The one you posted earlier died a quick death, with little info except that there is a 1500 member limit.
Adam says: (2:43:37 PM)
Yes, but have you emailed anyone or contacted the administrator?
Adam says: (2:45:56 PM)
Tim - Sittin' in a box; checkin' my stocks! says: (2:45:59 PM)
I mailed to the moderator with no effect.
Adam says: (2:46:18 PM)
okay, I'll make another post about it.