My friend, in all other threads recently, I was just having some fun with friends. I sincerely had no idea there was this big secret about Pebble Beach, nor did I have any idea what the rules are for GW raters. It's always been discussed very openly with me. The fact you seem to believe I have it in me to have such ulterior motives disappoints me greatly, as I would think we've known each other long enough for you to know better.
And yes, I am just crying my eyes out still for Brad saying no to me 5 years ago. My life is at such a loss because of it.
Come on Tommy, you're better than this. Kavanaugh isn't; it's his role in life to play the prick. You can be caustic at times, but you generally have a much better heart than this.
Rise above, my friend. There are nice people in this world. It's not all about petty crap.
Now as for Shadow Creek, for one, I never said GolfWeek got anything wrong. In fact I believe you all have it rated just about right - both Shadow Creek specifically and all courses in general. I said several this several times in the other threads. The only thing I gave crap about was the division between Classical and Modern, because it's fun in that you guys have no leg to stand on there. Jeez, LIGHTEN UP!!!
I also left Matt Ward out of this one, as you say, because I had no freakin' idea what his opinion was of the course... You really believe I keep a file or something about who says what about each course? Come one, man... You and I have discussed the course many times on here, it's always been primarily you and me.. so to you my plea was directed. It can't be that fun to rehash old battles. If you want to do so, then have at it.
That really disappoints me. Yeah, I did that to screw you GW types.
Please. I saved that freakin' event and have put a LOT of time and effort into it, after Gib relatively dropped the ball.
I made a very detailed post giving the various options for that event. I asked for input. Very little was given. John Bernhardt asked me to try and change it due to the GW conflict, but it became impossible. I sincerely wish the conflict didn't exist, but it was either do it that weekend or not at all - for me anyway - until the fall.
See this thread:;action=display;threadid=16418This is very, very disappointing, Tommy. I'd say you owe me an apology, but it's not true... you don't owe me anything.
I just though we knew each other a bit better than this.
I also thought you had a bit better sense of humor.