Re Troon, well... heck one ought to live and learn. I still think it's among the lesser courses I've played in Scotland, I just no longer would call it a boring slog of a course. It does have many redeeming qualities.
Now correcting the error of my ways re CGC would require one of three things:
a) a time machine, so I could go back and avoid the pricks I met there back in 1986;
b) a greater ability to see past prickly treatment by prickish people;
c) a chance to see the course again.
I'm not holding my breath for either a or c, though I'd say c has a greater chance of happening in my lifetime.
As for b, I am gaining on that. I no longer hate or revile or loathe the place; I've come to grudging acceptance that it must be a fine golf course and club and I just caught it on a bad day.