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Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« on: February 10, 2005, 02:16:24 AM »
Our friend and leader TEPaul has taken to including the term "Purist" in every topic.  Apparently he has begun a witch-hunt seeking to expose the so-called and self-proclaimed purists and ultra-purists around here as extremely bad for golf design and golf design discussions.  He seems to think this is especially so for private clubs and even more so for his private club.   But like any good inquisitor, he has refused to define just what characteristics he is referring to when he throws out the phrase "so-called purists," and has likewise refused to divulge all the names from his Purist Blacklist.  Thus far the only way to be outed as a purist seems to be to challenge TEPaul's premise or to comment on his course-- at least this was the case with Patrick, Tom MacWood, and me.

For all I know I might be a "so-called purist" as "so-called" by TomP--  a so-called so-called purist, if you will.  Unfortunately, I cant really figure out whether or not I am one.  Obviously we need some clarifications, so here are my questions for TomPaul, or anyone else who cares to answer:

1.  Just what exactly is a "so-called purist?"

2.  Specifically, who are these "so-called purists" among us?

3.  Just who is calling them so?  

4.  Specifically,  how have these "so-called" purists harmed classic architecture, or even the discussion thereof.  

TomP wants intelligent discussion on this issue and I think that his answer to these questions is as good as place as any to start.  


The Purist
by Ogden Nash  

I give you now Professor Twist,
A conscientious scientist,
Trustees exclaimed, "He never bungles!"
And sent him off to distant jungles.
Camped on a tropic riverside,
One day he missed his loving bride.
She had, the guide informed him later,
Been eaten by an alligator.
Professor Twist could not but smile.
"You mean," he said, "a crocodile."

« Last Edit: February 10, 2005, 02:22:16 AM by DMoriarty »


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2005, 06:37:38 AM »

Do you mean to tell me after I started all those "purists" threads just so all your questions on this one could be answered you needed to start another one??

As for calling you a 'so-called, so-called, self professed Ultra purist' I repeat my post #44 to you from "The blindness of the so-called purist" thread.

Regarding your post #42 if you're not questioning anything or making any statements then I withdraw everything I said to you on this thread. I'm sorry I responded to you--perhaps it was someone else I was thinking of."


"Joseph McCarthy" Paul


(I have no idea if I'd call you a purist or not or whether you are. I think I'd call you a golf architecture analyst who's completely mired in what he thinks the ultra mind-bending complexities of "strategy" is and probably always will be).
« Last Edit: February 10, 2005, 06:38:48 AM by TEPaul »


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2005, 07:27:47 AM »

For starters, I'll try to tackle questions 1 & 2.

1. I'd subscribe, for starters, to this description on one of the "purist" threads by jeffwarne;

"....and I'm addressing the "purists" who ideally want the course the way the architect originally laid it out."

As for question #2, if you mean how does one recognize a "so-called purist" on this website's discussion group? I'd say a so-called purist can be recognized on here by their posts exhibiting shock and horror and the prospect of a witch hunt as well as severely hurt feelings and feeling of negativity on the part of others for merely mentioning the name "so-called purist".


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2005, 08:14:26 AM »
As of now I still don't know how to define a purist.
While I know I am not one, I have no problem with anyone that considers himself to be one.  BUT...IMHO it seems to me that many I view as purist want their cake and wish to eat it too.  By this I mean:
They accept modern equipment on courses
They accept irrigation on courses
they accept modern agronomic principles on courses
Would you say a purist wishes for agronomic conditions of the DEAD Guys?
Let me compare it to woodworking:
In woodworking a purist finishes with handplanes never using sandpaper....he cuts all wood with handsaws never using power tools...he never uses a polyurethane finish instead opting for beeswax and turpentine.....Can I appreciate this??? of course...What does it prove?? it proves one has the talents of the old woodworkers...Is it practical??? no...modern finishes are a better product and protect a piece much longer...Having said this, I just see it as one way to perform woodworking.....I don't condemn the purist because he wishes to work in this manner....
Now let's take knee surgery:
1969 purist method took 5 days in the hospital and 4 months to recover for a torn medial meniscus
2004 modern method took 45 minuute surgery, 3days with leg in the air and played golf in less tan a week.  
Can I appreciate the purist here??? yes for helping to initiate a surgery that has evolved to where it is today.
Would I use a purist method??? Hell no.
"just standing on a corner in Winslow Arizona"


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2005, 08:56:09 AM »
 If it is true that great art is not affected by advancing technology as much as mechanical techniques ( surgery, for example) , then I guess I am a "practical purist". Most of what the "purists" want to recover has not become obsoleted,just screwed up.

     When many of the Dead Guys worked they used a very good palette (land) to start. As a result they could use crude tools and still create great art. When one observes how often they seemed to make the best choices with that land , it makes the curious researcher come to the conclusion " They got it right;so, we need to undo changes made later". It may be like uncovering an old master's painting that was painted over.

     But, the "restoration" takes place TODAY. Therefore, one needs to work to decide what would the dead guy do today, not let's go back to then. As has been said often here, grass is different-maintenance is different- distance is different. When the discussion centers around different intepretations of that"original intent" it is an exciting exercise. It is not productive when one camp says "It can only be exactly as it appears in that 1935 photo" and the other says " He is dead and gone ; we just need to make the hole better."

 Being a "purist" is more of an idealized goal than a practical way to restore courses.

 So, as the art historian analyzes that uncovered masterpiece they might use different paints to touch it up,hopefully those that they think the master would use today.
AKA Mayday


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2005, 10:52:32 AM »

I am a purist.  

I like my Pinot Noir unadulterated by any other grape and without any chapitilization.

I like my golf to have clubs and balls and grass, sand and holes. (No absolute need for trees, bushes and water.) Beyond that I'm not as picky as my Pinot, but a purist demanding at least a modicum of strategy.


It's "chaptalisation", after the good(?) Dr. Chaptal.  Regardless, enjoy!

PS--sorry for being such a purist........ :-[
« Last Edit: February 10, 2005, 12:13:24 PM by Rich Goodale »


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2005, 01:17:13 PM »
Geez Tom, in the second post I've dropped off your purist blacklist and by the end of the third I am right back on the list?  7:27 a.m. is a little too early for red wine, dont you think?  

As for question #2, if you mean how does one recognize a "so-called purist" on this website's discussion group? I'd say a so-called purist can be recognized on here by their posts exhibiting shock and horror and the prospect of a witch hunt as well as severely hurt feelings and feeling of negativity on the part of others for merely mentioning the name "so-called purist".

No Tom, I am not asking you to tell me how one recognizes a purist.  That would only result in for of your general aspersions aimed at people you apparently lack the courage to name.   See your second quoted sentence above, for example.

Rather, I am asking you to name names.   Who, by name, are these "so-called purists" on this website, and what have they done which so qualifies them?  

By the way, aside from the offense you have taken to Patrick's initial remarks and the offense you often seem to take when your ideas are vigorously challenged, I dont think that anyone else has been offended here.  I'd gladly accept the label of "purist," but am pretty sure I dont qualify by any reasonable standard.    By your descriptions and your use of "so-called" it is obvious you mean your term to be loaded, but it is pretty difficult to take offense (for me at least) when the intended slight so completely lacks substance.   I am afraid thus far your "so-called purist" snitty-fit says much more about your willingness to carry on a reasonable discussion than it does about any of these "so-called purists" and their sensibilities.  

Again Tom.  Who are these "so-called" purists, by name?  What have they done to deserve this title?  

I am also still curious who it is who is calling them purists, other than you of course.  


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2005, 03:51:17 PM »
"Rather, I am asking you to name names."  
"Again Tom.  Who are these "so-called" purists, by name?  What have they done to deserve this title?

Master Moriarty;

I"ll tell you what David, I'll do even better than that. I'll direct you to the thread that’s titled  “Golf Architectural purists?!” and you can read the all  the names of all those who responded and see what they have to say about themselves on that subject. They might even tell you what they think “purist” means which is better than I could do about them, I’m sure. They might even tell you what they’ve done to deserve the title. If you’re not satisfied with that you could always click on that thread and ask them any question you like about what purist means to them. As for what it means to me in a restoration project sense, again, I think the remark I quoted on this thread above from jeffwarne makes sense to me regarding what a “purist is or perhaps even what I think what you refer to as a ‘so-called, so-called, self professed ultra purist’ is.

But as of now after a series of threads by me on here that’re a series of questions about various things to do with architecture and  “purists” and “so-called purists” the only one who seems to feel it’s all some kind of witch-hunt is you. Tom MacWood didn’t say he thought it was witch-hunt only that he thought I was trying to make “purists” appear negative rather than positive.

I hope I don’t disappoint you but I wouldn’t call you a “purist” because I have no idea what you feel about restoration architecture or restoration projects. However, from many of your responses to the posts of others that include some mention of you it seems that rather than “purist” or “ultra purist” a better description would probably be “sensitive” or “ultra sensitive” since so much of the time you seem to take responses to you personally or as some kind of personal affront.

I can’t get into stuff like that on here because it probably isn’t about golf course architecture.  ;)  As far as you calling me cowardly for heretofore not naming names, that really hurts but I guess I’ll just have to figure out how to live with it somehow.


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2005, 06:33:44 PM »
Tom mine were simple and straightforward questions that I asked you many threads ago.  I asked because I dont like it when indiscrimite generalizations are substituted for reasoned argument.  So I asked was to pin you down.   I think it is perfectly reasonable for you clarify what you mean, and I am not the only one who has asked you to do this.   As far as your silly inclusion of me into this undefined group, it didnt bother then and it doesnt now.   On this thread I was just still trying to pin you down, to bait you into defining your position, to no avail.  I give up.

As an aside, contrary to your post above called me a purist, directly and indirectly, a number of times.   Believe it or not I dont take this personally because I would love to be a purist, as I understand the term, but fall short.   I also understood at the time that  you probably didnt mean it, but were just lumping me with the rest, the same way you indiscriminately muddy just about any topic you take up.   Chances are you dont even remember anything about it.  

One last rhetorical question . . .   Why do you deem my sarcasm as overly-sensitive but yours as funny?  
« Last Edit: February 10, 2005, 06:35:01 PM by DMoriarty »


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2005, 08:07:26 PM »
"Tom mine were simple and straightforward questions that I asked you many threads ago.  I asked because I dont like it when indiscrimite generalizations are substituted for reasoned argument."


When you asked me to name names about who I was referrign to as "so-called purists" you might note that those threads were all basically questions (for others) not statments.

"So I asked was to pin you down.  I think it is perfectly reasonable for you clarify what you mean, and I am not the only one who has asked you to do this."

As far as pinning down what I think a purist is did you notice my reference to what jeffwarne said about that? Apparently not. I don't see how my definition of a purist in how it relates to restoration projects (which I was asking about) can be much more succinct and clear than that. If you'd like me to say it myself rather than quoting jeffwarne, I'd be glad to if it would help you understand my answer to the question you asked!

"As far as your silly inclusion of me into this undefined group, it didnt bother then and it doesnt now.  On this thread I was just still trying to pin you down, to bait you into defining your position, to no avail."

I believe I said to you on here a number of times it must not have been you I was asking about. Did you miss that too?
"I give up."

Well, that sounds refreshing.

"As an aside, contrary to your post above called me a purist, directly and indirectly, a number of times.  Believe it or not I dont take this personally because I would love to be a purist, as I understand the term, but fall short.  I also understood at the time that  you probably didnt mean it, but were just lumping me with the rest, the same way you indiscriminately muddy just about any topic you take up."  

Sorry you feel that way. I'll try not to respond to threads you're on in the future.  

"One last rhetorical question . . .  Why do you deem my sarcasm as overly-sensitive but yours as funny?"

If that's a rhetorical question does that mean you think you already know the answer? Are you're responses to me sarcasm? You sure fooled me! How do you act when you're serious or want to have a serious and well reasoned discussion or argument or whatever you call it?  :)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2005, 08:16:24 PM by TEPaul »


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2005, 08:12:36 PM »
"....because I would love to be a purist, as I understand the term, but fall short."


Then perhaps you could tell us all (with a reasoned argument, of course  ;) ) why you'd love to be a purist, how you understand the term, and why you think you fall short?


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2005, 09:48:49 PM »
I first asked you these question about six "purists" threads ago, when you werent really asking questions but rather going on and on about these "so-called purists."   What I asked you then and repeatedly is to identify specific instances where specific posters have over-reached.   But that was before I quit.

I believe I said to you on here a number of times it must not have been you I was asking about. Did you miss that too?

No, I caught that.  Just explaining that my interest was not personal, which I think is clear from the context.
How do you act when you're serious or want to have a serious and well reasoned discussion or argument or whatever you call it?  :)


Steve Lang

Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2005, 09:53:13 PM »

why not ask who is a psuedo purist?

those seeking a singular answer in a world of log-normal distributions?
« Last Edit: February 11, 2005, 09:04:11 AM by Steve Lang »
Inverness (Toledo, OH) cathedral clock inscription: "God measures men by what they are. Not what they in wealth possess.  That vibrant message chimes afar.
The voice of Inverness"


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2005, 10:07:30 PM »
"How do you act when you're serious or want to have a serious and well reasoned discussion or argument or whatever you call it?  


Thanks for that. In retrospect, it surely shows!  


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2005, 06:15:43 AM »
I think we all know who the purist, ultra-purist, 'self-proclaimed' puritst and 'so-called' purist is in TE's least most of the time. If you do a quick search using this sites search engine...over the last two years or will find 'purist' is one of TE's favorite words, in fact he by far is the biggest user of the term, the second biggest is yours truly...usually because I've included a quote from TE in my post.  :)

When addressing me, TE uses it interchangeably with zealot, maniac, nut, fiend, fool, half-wit or ignoramus.

I'm starting to get the impression he no like what I have to say.  :-X
« Last Edit: February 11, 2005, 06:37:22 AM by Tom MacWood »


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2005, 08:01:33 AM »
Tom MacWood said:

I think we all know who the purist, ultra-purist and 'so-called' purist is in TE's least most of the time. If you do a quick search using this sites search engine...over the last two years or will find 'purist' is one of TE's favorite words, in fact he by far is the biggest user of the term, the second biggest is yours truly...usually because I've included a quote from TE in my post."

Tom MacW:

You really are the "research man"! Searching the back pages for that is good work indeed. I probably am a "purist", matter of fact I know I am. And I'm proud of it. But I'm proudest, in restrospect, of "staying in the game" during my entire restoration project, and with some others, of not pontificating from some “ivory tower”, of not quitting and walking away in frustration although that seemed close plenty of times. At one point in a combined Master plan and golf committee meeting (this meeting was two years into the planning and it was to have the golf committee vote on the approval of our plan) my biggest adversary who didn't want a tree touched, didn't want the master plan or Gil Hanse or any of it confronted me in the combined meeting. He asked the meeting, "Who the hell is Donald Ross, that was ninety years ago?"  I stood up and said that if the committee adopted that stance I was going to quit. He said: "Do you promise?" I stood up and said if it was coming down to this it was going to have to be him or me. He left the committee!

There were probably a hundred or two hundred items over those few years we had to fight for through the committees and the membership and the board and we got almost all of them approved through constant education and an attitude towards anyone and everyone (except that one guy that one time) that was dedicatedly non-adverserial (we all worked hard on that!).

I thought our plan was approved and on the way to implementation but to my disbelief the board sent us seven last items to review AGAIN for approval (because about two significant members were still fighting their approval). The first five were approved again. The sixth was a really interesting plan on one hole that Gil and I had worked really hard on and the seventh and last was to move the 10th green about 75 yards to the right. I could see the handwriting on the wall---that we just weren’t going to be able to send that list back to the board as it was and that the committee was going to take at least one item off it. The seventh item was something I’d fought to prevent throughout the entire two year process—and I was the only one--it was the thing that mattered most to me over everything. It’s one of the coolest Perry Maxwell greens you ever saw---ask Tommy Nacarato about it—ask Bill Coore---it was where he first said “poof”. There was a letter about the sixth item from a very reasoned member who happened to be the president of Merion at that time. I could see if I fought for item six, basically mine, item #7 would likely not get approved and that Maxwell green was going to be destroyed. So as item six came up for discussion I told the committee that they knew it was mine but if I could save item #7 (that Maxwell green) I wanted to take item six off the table for discussion and just vote to let it go (off the plan). They did that immediately and that Maxwell green was saved and restored. Things like this may seem like small potatoes to you or David Moriarty and others on here, I don’t really know, but I can tell you I’m proud of them---because I stayed in the game, took the knocks, made what I feel to be some intelligent compromises and did good for the purity of my golf course! Saving that green represented it all to me.

(Today, by the way, that guy I had the confrontation with in that committee loves the course and the restoration!).

So when I try to have a discussion on here about “purists” and how they function and do good for classic architecture I wonder what they really are doing, how effective they’ve been, what examples they can actually point to, whether they ever had to compromise to save something they really believed in, or do they just pontificate for the sake of pontificating archtiectural purity---particularly when they criticize my restoration for not been “purist” enough, for being a “hybrid” or whatever. What can you point to Tom MacW? Would you have hung in there on that committee and taken the knocks and compromised intelligently, or would you have refused to even enter into the process because you don’t think much of the opinions of memberships anyway. Would you have saved that great Maxwell green? Could you have by just sitting in your ivory tower and pontificating about architectural purity without taking the time and the knocks to get in there and actually convince opponents of architectural purity?

“When addressing me, TE uses it interchangeably with zealot, maniac, nut, fiend, fool, half-wit or ignoramus.”

You’re right, I probably do and have done. I feel strongly about “purity” in architecture, but intelligent purity that will achieve golf architecture’s ultimate goal---to increase interest and enjoyment for a membership. Matter of fact, I firmly believe that INTELLIGENT architectural purity can clearly do that---but it’s not simple and it’s definitely not a matter of just blindly “putting everything back the way it was in 1916”.

“I'm starting to get the impression he no like what I have to say.”

Congratulations! Too bad it’s taken you about five years to figure that out. But I like plenty of what you say and have said---the A&C movement articles were great---but you suggesting that my course was probably not significant enough to restore and that my membership over the years must have been in a constant redesign mode on a Ross course, and you calling into question numerous times my dedication to architectural purity, preservation, intelligent restoration etc is certainly not something I like hearing you say. Particularly for someone like you whose never even been there.

As for David Moriarty on the subject of “purists” and restoration purity, again, I have no idea what he feels---I can’t really recall him saying anything in particular. But he does constantly ask that I try to have intelligent discussions on here---so I guess I should ask him if this is “intelligent” enough for him? This is the real thing, not some hypothetical or some theoretical!

And lastly, Tom MacWood, there’s the issue of this Crump suicide thing. To me that falls into the realm of “purity” because it goes right to the heart of historical accuracy of the #1 course in the world. You made that claim that you could prove it, you’ve stated to me why you believe it has real significance to the truth and accuracy of architectural attribution but yet you continue to avoid the issue on here when we try to engage you in an intelligent discussion about it and I sure don’t like that at all.  

So after all that do you think I’m being negative, should a guy like David Moriarty think I’m “witch hunting” purists? I don’t think so.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2005, 08:14:57 AM by TEPaul »


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2005, 08:14:46 AM »
Oh yes! You are definitely a purist! On the purist scale you come somewhere in between Rich Goodale and Tom Fazio.  ::)

TMac said: “I'm starting to get the impression he no like what I have to say.”

TE said: “Congratulations! Too bad it’s taken you about five years to figure that out.”

I know you don’t mean that….you have an inner conflict with the Philadelphian within you. Well tell that guy to get the hell out of you!
« Last Edit: February 11, 2005, 08:16:18 AM by Tom MacWood »


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2005, 08:30:11 AM »
"And on another level with a statement like that one above you've just made a dedicated enemy out of me..."

What do you have against Rich and TF...'dedicated', do you mean to tell me you've been slacking?  :)
« Last Edit: February 11, 2005, 08:31:58 AM by Tom MacWood »


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2005, 08:49:26 AM »
"What do you have against Rich and TF...'dedicated', do you mean to tell me you've been slacking?  :)

What do I have against them when it comes to architectural purity? Against Rich? I don't know, he's a contrarian on this website but if I served on a restoration committee with him I have no idea where he'd stand. Fazio? Look around Tom MacWood.

No pithy little retorts with smiley faces are going to work for you with me anymore though. What I said about you in the post above is the way I feel about you and the way I know you are. I just hope others will begin to realize that too.


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #19 on: February 11, 2005, 08:57:54 AM »
Where is the yawning emoticon when you need it?


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #20 on: February 11, 2005, 09:10:54 AM »
 What Tom Paul is describing is the real world of "restoration". It can get nasty; so, the "purist" must come out of the ivory tower and get down and dirty. This tests one's ideas more than any discussion group will.
AKA Mayday


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #21 on: February 11, 2005, 09:30:42 AM »
No doubt it is difficult, but are you aware of anyone on this site who has ever criticized Gulph Mills, TE or anyone involved in the Gulph Mills project? I'm not.

Based on the number of redesigns and remodels of important courses over the last few decades, in my opinion, we could have used a few more in ivory towers.


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #22 on: February 11, 2005, 09:43:06 AM »
 I can't keep track of these back and forths, so I don't try. I am just agreeing that actual restoration work requires compromise and negotiating. These are different from pontificating. I am not accusing anyone else other than myself of ever pontificating. I have learned it gets no results "on the ground".
« Last Edit: February 11, 2005, 10:07:03 AM by Mike_Malone »
AKA Mayday


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #23 on: February 11, 2005, 09:56:02 AM »
"I am just agreeing that actual restoration work requires compromise and negotiating. These are different from pontificating."

Obviously that is true, but does that mean we should remain silent (not ponitifcate) when we see an important design has been compromised?


Re:Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who are the Purists Among Us All?
« Reply #24 on: February 11, 2005, 10:05:28 AM »
 I would not recommend being silent, but think that if one is not involved in the work they need to judge their comments for their effect. Will they advance the effort or just divert it? Are they self-serving--showing what one knows but not moving the effort forward?

   The gadfly is necessary but the know-it-all is annoying.
AKA Mayday
