For the record:
I don't know that Rees Jones and President George W. Bush are friends. I thought that this was a tongue-in-cheek post, and since these two smart, affable, and most accomplished of men are whipping boys for a number of GCAers here, I was just trying to build on the levity. Having said this, knowing what I do about these two highly respected achievers, they could very well be/become good friends.
As to Dr. Moriarty, I must confess that I have ambivalent feelings toward the guy. On a personal level, I can't help but to have a warm personal regard for him. No insinuation was intentionally made by me that he is not a good family man. To the contrary, my personal experiences with David point exactly to the opposite.
On issues having to do with politics, economics, golf, and golf architecture its entirely another matter. I acknowledge that the man is intelligent, well trained as a litigator, and inescapably chiseled philosophically by his upbringing.
Not being a utopian or an idealist by nature, I have a difficult time understanding where David is coming from a good bit of the time. I do trust that his intentions are good however much I may think that he is full of it.
I am concerned about David's state of mind from the standpoint that while he is such a liberal/"progressive" in his political philosophy, he appears to be an iconoclastic conservative when it comes to golf. Such dissonance must be tearing at the very essence of the man, and may in part explain his aberrant behavior.
All kidding aside, I always welcome the opportunity to play a round of golf with Dr. Moriarty. Though I've never played well in his company, the several rounds we've shared have been entertaining. The man has a remarkable repertoire of shots encompassing all points of the scale. Like Rihc Goodale, he probably would be a happier person living in Scotland.