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Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« on: January 16, 2005, 01:34:38 PM »
Yes, indeed we are putting together an opportunity to have merriment with one of our own, not to be outdone by our Chicago brethern.

Tuesday January 25th.

Dinner planned, time not yet set, but I guess start time 6:30-7:30 at Panorama Cafe at Market and Front in Center City. Mark wil be staying at the Inn there. Panorama has a 130 bottle Cruvenet for you wine drinkers and a good bar.  Valet parking is right there and very reliable.

Link to Panorama/Penn's View Hotel

Let me know who is interested so we can set the proper size table.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2005, 01:37:00 PM by redanman »

Steve_ Shaffer

Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2005, 02:42:43 PM »
I'm available and look forward to meeting Mark and eveyone else who can attend.

"Some of us worship in churches, some in synagogues, some on golf courses ... "  Adlai Stevenson
Hyman Roth to Michael Corleone: "We're bigger than US Steel."
Ben Hogan “The most important shot in golf is the next one”

Doug Braunsdorf

Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2005, 02:57:02 PM »
If those from east of the Delaware are also welcome, I'd love to attend as well.

"Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction."

Jason Mandel

Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2005, 06:17:34 PM »

i'm in as well.  never been to panorama, i know fredericks which is next door is very good.  keep us updated on a time, anything after 5:30 is good for me.

You learn more about a man on a golf course than anywhere else

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Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2005, 08:31:18 AM »
 Look forward to it. Love to learn more about golf in England.
AKA Mayday


Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2005, 12:49:46 PM »
Please add me to the list

Proud member of a Doak 3.


Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2005, 04:38:40 PM »
If we can't get the dinner earlier than 8pm at the proposed restaurant, why don't we do it in the suburbs at a place that can accomodate us earlier in the evening.  We won't have to worry about parking and the like.  I don't know about the rest of you, but 8pm dinner during the week is going to finish past my bedtime.  I suggest La Locanda near Tom Paul--it is good cheap food, we've had a get together there that was very successful, we can get a private room and we can surely get an earlier time.  Besides, its a lot closer to the Lehigh Valley.  It is just as far from me as Delaware Ave so that's not my reasoning.  Granted there's no bad girl joints nearby but it has its merits.  Just a thought.  
« Last Edit: January 21, 2005, 04:39:13 PM by Wayne Morrison »

Jason Mandel

Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2005, 04:57:34 PM »

I think thats a good idea, although the 8 oclock time doesnt bother me as much. The only thing we would have to take care of is someone picking Mark Rowlinson up in town and getting him back, which I'm sure could be arranged.

I'm ok either way though.

You learn more about a man on a golf course than anywhere else

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Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2005, 05:16:05 PM »
Jason, I hope others agree.  As for picking up Mark, that shouldn't be a problem.  Hopefully we'll be seeing some golf courses--clubhouses more likely--as we're getting a foot or more of snow tomorrow and sunday (GO EAGLES!) and he'll be out in the 'burbs anyhow.  I volunteer Mike Malone to drive him back into town.


Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2005, 06:02:37 PM »
Apparently Mark said a month or more ago that he'd be willing (as he was basically winging his way home to England) to come into Philly in mid-winter to hook up with us knowing full well there might be 20" of snow on the ground. If you ask me, this MarkR just might be some kind of psychic!!   :)

I doubt we'll be walking around looking at the architecture of Merion but I'll tell you one thing---if I happen to catch Mark Rowlinson outside on Tuesday or Wednesday I'm gonna flat-ass bean him upside the head with a bunch of carefully crafted snowballs!
« Last Edit: January 21, 2005, 06:04:39 PM by TEPaul »


Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2005, 06:08:25 PM »
Matt Ward is coming? In that case tell him he damn well better dress for dinner if he wants to break bread with me! That means a tuxedo Matt---and if you give me any crap about it I'll demand you wear white tie, tails ad a top hat or be physically barred from entering the restaurant!!

Doug Braunsdorf

Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2005, 06:14:38 PM »
Just a few thoughts:
1.  Is smoking permitted?  (Tom P and I need to know this!)
2.  What happens w/the potential for bad weather?  In other words, is this definite, snow or no snow?  

"Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction."


Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2005, 07:30:27 PM »
Even though Wayne suggested it, I'll still drive Mark to and back.
AKA Mayday

Jason Mandel

Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2005, 07:42:24 PM »
if the eagles win on sunday i'll defintily drive mark back to the city.  i won't know what to do with myself for the next two weeks if we win on sunday.  


does any of our atlanta bretheren want to step up and make a wager ;D
You learn more about a man on a golf course than anywhere else

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Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2005, 07:43:32 PM »
Can someone say for sure where this extravaganza is going to be held?

I'd like to start cocktails around 6:00 PM and have dinner around 7:00 PM. Going later just makes the return trip a more taxing issue.

As long as the location is reasonable -- for me -- that means something not buried in the southwestern suburbs of Phillie. What about meeting on the Jersey side of the Delaware? I know of a few places that offer solid food, plenty of parkign and quick and easy access for all.

P.S. Tom, I expect you to be dressed to the nines -- likely you'll have to abandon the smoking jacket until the gathering breaks for the private den when the Cuban cigars and cognac comes out. ;D

Jason Mandel

Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2005, 07:52:18 PM »

going over to south jersey for us on the good side of the bridge is a tough go, especially anytime near rush hour.  south jersey is like a foreign country for most of us.  we've heard of it, we just don't know much about it ;)
You learn more about a man on a golf course than anywhere else

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Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2005, 07:56:13 PM »

I'll clue all you Pennsy guys in -- the Revolutionary War is over and Jersey is now a state. It's safe to comunicate with the natives here. ;D

Poor babies on the bridge issue -- I'm talking just over the Ben Franklin -- by the way -- let's not forget the #1 course in the world is on the Jersey side of the Delaware. ;D


Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2005, 07:58:58 PM »

I'm prepared to buy you a drink or two even if to prove that I don't really think you're a complete waste of oxygen for your penchant for golf course rankings but if you're dressed like some unconscionable yahoo you can just forgetaboutit!


Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2005, 08:01:30 PM »
Go over to the Jersey side for dinner??

Matt Ward, you can't be serious. I know there're some pretty good courses over there but no one actually lives over there, do they?


Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #19 on: January 21, 2005, 08:09:15 PM »
I didn't know we Brits had such a capacity for starting wars!  I'm sorry, but I'm told the British Navy is involved in Iraq (both the motor boat and the rowing boat) and they can't commit themselves to acting in a peace-keeping role so far from home, while yachtswoman, Ellen Macarthur, is still tied up in her round-the-world record attempt.  I'll see if I can find a catapult in time.  Much looking forward to it.


Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #20 on: January 21, 2005, 08:20:16 PM »
Just get a place for dinner that's easy to get into and out of. Center City is always a trip during the rush hour and if there's a place in the not so distance suburbs that works for me.

The start time is crucial -- cocktail at either 6:00 PM or even 5:30 PM would be ideal with dinner to follow an hour later.

One other thing -- I pray for the Eagles because no respectable team could choke four straight years in the NFC title game. I pay for Andy R because with no Super Bowl the wolves will be howling this time around.


Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #21 on: January 21, 2005, 09:15:53 PM »
"Just get a place for dinner that's easy to get into and out of. Center City is always a trip during the rush hour and if there's a place in the not so distance suburbs that works for me."

Hey Matt:

The place is the Panorama restaurant in Philadelphia! Got that? If that's not convenient for you then just don't come! A group of a dozen or more people just ain't interested in changing the whole damn venue because you don't think it's convenient for you!

Listen, Pal, I think you better find a tuxedo, or even a smoking jacket and make damn sure you wear it or I'm having you barred at the door as some kind of unacceptable yahoo HUN from the hinterlands of that dangerous region known as New Jersey!


Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #22 on: January 21, 2005, 09:39:22 PM »
Tom Paul:

A person of your background simply does not ever say "Philly".  It's "Philadelphia", please.  Just ask both my sets of grandparents when you get to the final 19th Hole.

Also, as a transplanted Philadelphian who is, alas, forever trapped 90 miles north, I can tell you that the correct pronunciation of your admonishment to Matt Ward is "fuhgedaboudit!" - not "forgetaboutit".  They'll never let you even SNIFF Dyker Beach (not a bad layout BTW) if you can't do better than that.

Just because you can give me an easy 2 a side and still relax doesn't get you off the hook for proper diction, you know.


Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #23 on: January 21, 2005, 11:35:06 PM »
"As long as the location is reasonable -- for me -- that means something not buried in the southwestern suburbs of Phillie"

Alright, Matt.  Let's get this straight.  You are completely free to rank any courses you want in Phillie wherever that is but here in Philadelphia we consider it a huge waste of time.  Have a hoagie, a cheesesteak with and a Yeungling and take it easy Philadelphia style.  You're coming to the city of firsts, the cradle of liberty, fine dining and the best golf in the country.  Show some respect damn it!  Get our name right or I'll hit you upside the head with a Mama's cheesesteak.  You won't wake up for a week.  And you just might be a bit smarter.

Now, just so you are fully informed, first time in your life, the baseball team is the Phillies and the town is Philadelphia as Chip noted (Philly if you absolutely must).  You're coming to our neck of the woods buddy boy--this isn't Joisey or New Yawk.  It's the home of the Eagles!  And you're in for a serious beating if you don't show some respect.  

« Last Edit: January 22, 2005, 10:03:33 AM by Wayne Morrison »

Dan Herrmann

Re:Philadelphia Dinner with Mark Rowlinson
« Reply #24 on: January 22, 2005, 09:37:12 AM »
Aaah - South Jersey...
The land of the world's best golf course.
The land of drivers that don't use turn signals.
The land of the Pine Barrens.
The land of Camden.
The land of Cape May.
The land of contradictions  :)

Is Mark in town for a concert?  I was just reading his feature inteview, and he's should be a wonderful guest.  
« Last Edit: January 22, 2005, 09:40:56 AM by Dan Herrmann »
