Maybe I am all wet, but I could care less if I play a "minimalist" course or a "renaissance design" or whatever. I like to grade a course on a few things:
1. Did I have fun?
2. Did the architect give me the chance to hit a bunch of different shots?
3. Was the golf course playing fast (could I bounce a few shots, if I wanted to)?
4. Would I want to play the course again, if presented the chance?
My guess is if you asked Tom Doak or Bill Coore or Ben Crenshaw or Steve Smyers or Jeff Brauer what he wanted to acheive in a design, I would hope they would say that they wanted the golfer to have a good time and the course to look as natural as the land permitted.
That said, here are some of the "fun" courses I have played (a pretty limited selection): Wild Horse, Caledonia, Tobacco Road, Sand Hills, Bent Tree, and Hawk Tree. In no particular order.