AG, Jeff, et., al.,
Would playing Notre Dame only, give one a sense of C&C's work ? Yet, it represents about 10 % of their work.
Would playing Crestmont only, give one a sense of Ross's work ?
Would playing North Jersey and White Beeches, only, give one a sense of Travis's work ? Yet, it represents about 10 % of his work.
Would playing Alpine, Shackamaxon, Forest Hills, Suburban and Brook Hollow, only, give one a sense of AWT's work ?
Yet, it represents about 10 % of his work.
Would playing Spring Lake, only, give one a sense of Thomas's work ? Yet, it represents about 10 % of his work.
Would playing Kentucky Dam Village, Palmetto and Bayou de Siard, only, give one a sense of Perry Maxwell's work ?
Yet, it represents about 10 % of his work.
Would playing Everglades and Roselle, only, give one a sense of Raynor's work ?
Yet, it represents about 10 % of his work.
If you played all of these courses, would it give you a sense of each architects style, relative to the others ?
Jeff Fortson,
Your parents only know about marriage in the context of who they are, or have been married to, not in the context of their children marrying others. Chemistry remains an important ingredient that can't be predetermined and when coupled with the blindness of LOVE who would want to be the matchmaker ?
But, I'll add another factor.
What parent would want that awesome responsibility ?
If the marriage goes bad, the parents would forever be blamed for making the choice. Whereas, when we make our choices, we're responsible for the outcome, good or bad.
An adage says that a woman has to date a lot of bad men, so that she will recognize a good one when he comes along.
The same can be said about architecture.
Experience usually produces the ability to differentiate, except in TEPaul's case, that's why he has an architectural guide dog.